samirgaire10 / com.samirgaire10.chatgpt-plasma6

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Pressing enter doesn't send your message #2

Open MattyGWS opened 1 month ago

MattyGWS commented 1 month ago

As the title says, when you're typing something to send to chatgpt, press enter and it just goes to a new line in the text box rather than sending the message.

Possibly make shift+enter go to a new line and enter alone can send the message

samirgaire10 commented 1 month ago

yes ,

sorry but it will take time i am still bad at qml language qt6 still learning

samirgaire10 commented 1 month ago

i just found out that if u make plasmoid wide enough it will [ send on enter ] , and if u make less wider it will go to next line on enter ... This is not fix but ..............