samirkumardas / jmuxer

jMuxer - a simple javascript mp4 muxer that works in both browser and node environment.
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When H264 decode error happen,it can't continue to decode and show video later #9

Closed waiter89 closed 6 years ago

waiter89 commented 6 years ago


samirkumardas commented 6 years ago

You have not provide any time information. You can provide chunk duration during feed OR you can use a fixed frame rate and fps can be defined when you instantiate the jmuxer.

function parse(data) {
        var input = new Uint8Array(data),
            dv = new DataView(input.buffer),
        video = input.subarray(16);

        return {
          video: video
                duration: ??? -----> missing

There is no duration present in your feed data. If you don't know your chunk duration and have a fixed frame rate then you can set during instantiate.

jmuxer = new JMuxer({
             node: 'player',
                         fps: 24  -------> you can set  fps  here

I am closing your other issue since it is duplicate

samirkumardas commented 6 years ago
