samiyaakhtar / container-journey

Container journey for
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Variable Groups issues #22

Open andrebriggs opened 4 years ago

andrebriggs commented 4 years ago

Following the instructions my app code pipeline didn't recognize the variable group (See #21). In order to get the pipeline to recognize my variable group I had to alter my azure-pipelines.yaml file. What I originally had for variables:

  GOBIN:  '$(GOPATH)/bin' # Go binaries path
  GOROOT: '/usr/local/go1.11' # Go installation path
  GOPATH: '$(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath' # Go workspace path
  modulePath: '$(GOPATH)/src/$(' # Path to the module's code

Change I made to get the variable group to be recognized:

- group: container journey
- name: GOBIN  
  value: '$(GOPATH)/bin' # Go binaries path
- name: GOROOT 
  value: '/usr/local/go1.11' # Go installation path
- name: GOPATH
  value: '$(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath' # Go workspace path
- name: modulePath
  value: '$(GOPATH)/src/$(' # Path to the module's code

I also had to update my HLD azure-pipelines.yaml file to add

- group: container journey

I followed the instructions here.

Did you have the same issue? We should update the instructions if so.

andrebriggs commented 4 years ago

To get the release pipeline to recognize the variable group I had to go through the UI image

samiyaakhtar commented 4 years ago

yes, I had the same issue, way way AzDO recommends using VG now is to add it in the yaml as well as go through the UI (if your UI has not yet updated). Should make this issue about updating documentation.