samizdapp / herakles

slaying the hydra of IP/NAT/DNS/TLS/AppStore
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SAM-22 Status dashboard #190

Open JoshuaCWebDeveloper opened 1 year ago

JoshuaCWebDeveloper commented 1 year ago


Original Estimate: 
Priority: High


Also: it occurs to me that it would be helpful to have a service status page (other than the main pwa page) to give insights into the microservices running on the box. something people could screenshot if running into errors to help debug. If I whip something up with a shitty UI, could you work some magic on it next week?


[10:18|!$of5YOxbEgwDNOr4QKhv8OIFQ2yirP3X8mVPVx5VadG4?]Possibly... doesn't balena offer different levels of access? Do they not offer anything that we can use?


they do, but that's more for container status. I'm thinking of something that's like "yggdrasil_upnp: TRYING_UPNP->ATTEMPTING_TO_CLEAR_TABLE->PORT_OPEN||UPNP_FAILED"

so actually documenting the relevant state machine for each service. The biggest reason I want this is because there's a lot of bootstrapping that happens on a fresh machine (as you've documented) and it'd be nice if there was insight beyond "go get a cup of coffee and come back in 5 minutes"