samjabrahams / tensorflow-on-raspberry-pi

TensorFlow for Raspberry Pi
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OMG,The Raspberry Pi 3ModelB will reboot when i run 'python' #106

Closed bnhc closed 7 years ago

bnhc commented 7 years ago

Describe the Issue

   The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B will reboot when i run the programer.And I don't know the question.I have check the log (/var/log).I need your help .Thank you .

Steps to Reproduce

Hardware/Software Info

 Hardware: Paspberry Pi 3 Model B
 Software Info: Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l
 Python Version : 2.7.9

Please provide the following information about your Raspberry Pi setup:

Relevant Console Output/Logs

I can' find the error log . But i check the programer file. when the file run as this : def create_graph(): with tf.gfile.FastGFile(os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir,'classify_image_graph_def.pb'),'rb') as f: graph_def =tf.GraphDef() graphdef.ParseFromString( = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def,name='')

bnhc commented 7 years ago

Maybe WatchDog?

EddieOne commented 7 years ago

Could be power cable, it's 2.5 amps?

bnhc commented 7 years ago
   This is not the raspberry hardward or Other things's problem. One day ,I find the raspberry will restart before the network interface offline.So I repaire the Network interface and it works.After run the test programer and image , I get the result. Well done! 
  In other word,I still don't understand this problem .But it works well .