sammarshallou / webmaths

Java web services for handling MathML and TeX (intended for use with a Moodle filter)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TeX: Empty subscript fails #64

Closed sammarshallou closed 12 years ago

sammarshallou commented 12 years ago

The following equations do not render correctly:

^0 ^0 + x

These render as literal '^0' in MathML.

sammarshallou commented 12 years ago

Robert says:

"I add a pre-processing step that looks for math mode starting with ^ or _ and if it is found then it adds braces to the start of the equation (as this works and is harmless)."

Sounds like a plan.

sammarshallou commented 12 years ago

Added comments:

I believe that your mathML generator may also struggle with $anything{^2}$ as the state of the generator at the start of a braced expression is the same as the state at the start of an equation.


Returning to the original bug. The fix is easy, adding one line and modifying two others (as I mentioned I have added it to the post347 repository). The added line was to define the \strut command to be an empty mrow element:

"\strut": lambda slf: result_element(u"mrow",0)

(which is added as an entry in the g_tex_commands list of This renders \strut in a way that respects the way that it is defined in TeX. Then I changed two lines to look for superscripts at the start of an equation (or the start of a braced expression which also has the same issue) so that it used \strut, the diff lines are:

  #fix for superscripts without prior text
sammarshallou commented 12 years ago

I didn't fix it in precisely the way described, but a similar one; I still inserted a \strut before the ^ or _, but I did it in the parser code which should hopefully be more reliable than using a regular expression.