sammcewan / WYPopoverController

WYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.
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Swizzling crash. #36

Open bmcpherson opened 9 years ago

bmcpherson commented 9 years ago

Here is an interesting one.

In iOS8.1 if you use a UIActivityViewController and tap the "More..." button in the activity popup the app will crash in sizzled_setPreferredContentSize. Just the presence of WyPopoverController in the app causes this even if it has never been used/called.

Shame since I am using the popover in conjunction with a UIInputAccessory keyboard toolbar on iPhone and it works better than the new iOS 8 popover presentation style. (which doesn't dismiss when tapping on the keyboard)

mythodeia commented 9 years ago
