sammchardy / python-binance-chain

Binance Chain Exchange API python implementation for automated trading
MIT License
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Update readme #13

Closed moonorblue closed 3 years ago

moonorblue commented 5 years ago

I add some essential import modules and update constants in README, to make the sample code up-to-date with this wrapper :)

jaggedsoft commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your contribution. Looks good to me, though we might need to specify how to get open orders instead of just trade history.

jaggedsoft commented 5 years ago

instead if import Decimal I had to do this

from decimal import *
moonorblue commented 5 years ago

import Decimal

It was a typo in my previous commit, I thinkfrom decimal import Decimal should work :)

moonorblue commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your contribution. Looks good to me, though we might need to specify how to get open orders instead of just trade history.

I think the original READEME should be clear with the example open_orders = client.get_open_orders('tbnb185tqzq3j6y7yep85lncaz9qeectjxqe5054cgn') , And trade history should be clear in the comment I updated in commit e0c93 ?