sammchardy / python-binance

Binance Exchange API python implementation for automated trading
MIT License
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APIError(code=-1003): Too much request weight used #1189

Open haloboyscp opened 2 years ago

haloboyscp commented 2 years ago


I am getting the following error: BinanceAPIException: APIError(code=-1003): Too much request weight used; current limit is 1200 request weight per 1 MINUTE. Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid polling the API.

Even though I managed to run a code for what I wanted, as below, I am quite unexperienced with python and binance api. I understand its possible I need to change for the websocket? But i dont manage to find how to do this?


from binance import Client, ThreadedWebsocketManager, ThreadedDepthCacheManager client = Client(user_key, secret_key)

def get_price(): initial_price = {} prices = client.get_all_tickers() for coin in prices: if PAIR_WITH in coin["symbol"] and all(item not in coin["symbol"] for item in FIATS): initial_price[coin["symbol"]] = { "price": coin["price"], "time":} return initial_price

def get_price24hrs(): lowest_price = {} prices1 = client.get_ticker() for coin in prices1: if PAIR_WITH in coin["symbol"] and all(item not in coin["symbol"] for item in FIATS): lowest_price[coin["symbol"]] = {"lowPrice": coin["lowPrice"], "time": - timedelta(minutes=1)} return lowest_price

from math import pi def check_below(): initial_price = get_price() lowest_price = get_price24hrs() volatile_coins = {}

for coin in initial_price: if float(initial_price[coin]["price"])<=float(lowest_price[coin]["lowPrice"]): volatile_coins[coin] = initial_price[coin]["price"] return volatile_coins, len(volatile_coins), initial_price

def convert_volume(): volatile_coins, number_of_coins, initial_price = check_below() lot_size = {} volume = {} for coin in volatile_coins: try: info = client.get_symbol_info(coin) step_size = info["filters"][2]["stepSize"] lot_size[coin] = step_size.index("1") - 1

  if lot_size[coin] < 0:
    lot_size[coin] = 0

volume[coin] = float(QUANTITY) / float(initial_price[coin]["price"])
if coin not in lot_size:
  volume[coin] = float("{:.1f}".format(volume[coin]))
  volume[coin] = float("{:.{}f}".format(volume[coin], lot_size[coin]))

return volume, initial_price

def trade(): volume, last_price = convert_volume() orders = {} for coin in volume: if coin not in coins_bought or coins_bought[coin] == None: print(f" preparing to buy {volume[coin]} {coin}") orders[coin] = client.get_all_orders(symbol=coin, limit=1)
try: buy_limit = client.create_order( symbol=coin, side="BUY", type="MARKET", quantity=volume[coin] ) except Exception as e: print(e) else: print(f"Signal detected, but there is already an active trade on {coin}") return orders, last_price, volume

def update_porfolio(orders, last_price, volume): for coin in orders: coins_bought[coin] = { "symbol": orders[coin][0]["symbol"], "orderid": orders[coin][0]["orderId"], "timestamp": orders[coin][0]["time"], "bought_at": last_price[coin]["price"], "volume": volume[coin] } with open(coins_bought_file_path, "w") as file: json.dump(coins_bought, file, indent=4)

def sell_coins(): last_price = get_price() for coin in coins_bought: TP = float(coins_bought[coin]["bought_at"]) + (float(coins_bought[coin]["bought_at"]) TAKE_PROFIT) / 100 SL = float(coins_bought[coin]["bought_at"]) - (float(coins_bought[coin]["bought_at"]) STOP_LOSS) / 100 if float(last_price[coin]["price"]) > TP or float(last_price[coin]["price"]) < SL: print("TP or SL reached selling", {coins_bought[coin]["volume"]}, {coin}) else: coins_bought[coin] = None with open(coins_bought_file_path, "w") as file: json.dump(coins_bought, file, indent=4) else: print("TP or SL not yet reached, not selling, {coin}, for now...")

if name == "main": print("Press Ctrl-Q to stop the script") for i in count(): orders, last_price, volume = trade() update_porfolio(orders, last_price, volume) sell_coins()