sammchardy / python-kucoin

Kucoin REST and Websocket API python implementation
MIT License
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KucoinAPIException 400005: Invalid KC-API-SIGN #43

Closed cgunnels closed 5 years ago

cgunnels commented 5 years ago

I printed out the kwargs right before the request is sent to the exchange. It is missing required keys/values. This is what the kwargs are as of line 156 in KWARGS: {'timeout': 10, 'headers': {'KC-API-TIMESTAMP': '11111111111111', 'KC-API-SIGN': b'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'}, 'params': {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'startAt': '0', 'limit': 100}}

According to all these values are required: KC-API-KEY KC-API-SIGN KC-API-TIMESTAMP KC-API-PASSPHRASE

It looks like the session headers aren't being utilized after Client instantiation.

cgunnels commented 5 years ago

I believe this might also be due to the fact that a GET request with parameters returns the same error. I'm using their example:

    api_secret = "api_secret"
    api_passphrase = "api_passphrase"
    url = ''
    now = int(time.time() * 1000)
    str_to_sign = str(now) + 'GET' + '/api/v1/deposits?status=SUCCESS'
    signature = base64.b64encode('utf-8'), str_to_sign.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest())
    headers = {
        "KC-API-SIGN": signature,
        "KC-API-TIMESTAMP": str(now),
        "KC-API-KEY": api_key,
        "KC-API-PASSPHRASE": api_passphrase
    response = requests.request('get', url, headers=headers)

If I remove the parameters I get a 200 ok response with some content.

sammchardy commented 5 years ago

Thanks @cgunnels this was related to get request signature generation. In the _request function only the request specific headers are generated. If you look at the _init_session function it sets general headers for your session there.

sammchardy commented 5 years ago

Can you check if it is resolved in v2.0.2

cgunnels commented 5 years ago

Thanks! I'm away from my computer, but I will give it a test when I get a moment.

bsliran commented 5 years ago

@cgunnels Did you manage to get this to work? i am still struggling on GET requests with params. same happens for fills etc.

cgunnels commented 5 years ago

@bsliran I believe it's fixed in v2.02+. It was an issue with the libraries signature generation.