samoshkin / docker-letsencrypt-certgen

Docker image to generate, renew, revoke RSA and/or ECDSA SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt CA using certbot and clients in automated fashion
MIT License
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[Question] Will wildcard certificates be supported in February? #2

Open cwrau opened 6 years ago

cwrau commented 6 years ago

In February 2018 LetsEncrypt is adding wildcard subdomain support. It indicates this is accomplished via their ACME v2 API. Do we know what support will look like for this Docker container? Is this difficult to support and/or are there plans to support it?

We’ve got some exciting features planned for 2018.

First, we’re planning to introduce an ACME v2 protocol API endpoint and support for wildcard certificates along with it. Wildcard certificates will be free and available globally just like our other certificates. We are planning to have a public test API endpoint up by January 4, and we’ve set a date for the full launch: Tuesday, February 27.


samoshkin commented 6 years ago

Since this container relies on "" and "certbot" ACME clients, it depends on how and when they will pick up ACME v2 API changes, and wildcard support in particular.


Will Let's Encrypt issue wildcard certificates? Let’s Encrypt has announced wildcard support coming January 2018. Certbot plans to add support for wildcard certificates when Let’s Encrypt starts issuing them.

Right now, the container just passes domain(s) to acme/certbot CLI: -d -d

The simplest assumption on future wildcard support would be just using the same -d argument. In this case, it's rather simple to support. But this is just an assumption, and we need to wait until it's released. -d '*'

Another note from LE announcement on wildcard certificates:

We will initially only support base domain validation via DNS for wildcard certificates, but may explore additional validation options over time.

It means, the container would need to add support for automatic dns-01 challenge method. Right now it uses http-01 challenge type using webroot and standalone modes. Adding dns-01 challenge is more complicated, because:


cwrau commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the thorough answer! Guess I'll have to wait then ⏳ If I can help in any way, I'd be glad to do so

Stradivario commented 5 years ago

Hello there guys! Any idea about the resolution of this feature ? I would love to have wildcard certificate since I have automation process exposing many containers with different subdomains.Basically now I am creating certs for every container on start.... Thanks in advance!

cn-ml commented 2 years ago

@samoshkin Is there any update for this feature?