sampaiodiego /

Rocket.Chat App for creating polls.
MIT License
49 stars 39 forks source link

Support for other languages [Ukrainian, Russian] #42

Open sergpr opened 4 years ago

sergpr commented 4 years ago

Hi, Diego.

Could you, please add a support for different languages. I can help you to translate everything into Ukrainian and Russian languages. For example, we have a button "Vote" and it will be great, if I see: "Голосувати" in Ukrainian or "Голосовать" in Russian.

Thank you in advance!

sampaiodiego commented 4 years ago

it would be very nice to support multiple languages.. I'll see if Rocket.Chat support that and then create an english translation to start with.

sampaiodiego commented 3 years ago

Rocket.Chat UiKit doesn't support i18n, I have opened this issue to track its progress