UNHANDLED REJECTION Unable to find plugin "[object Object]". Perhaps you need to install its package?
Error: Unable to find plugin "[object Object]". Perhaps you need to install its package?
Configure your Gatsby site with this file.
See: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/gatsby-config//
path: .env.${process.env.NODE_ENV},
module.exports = {
/ Your site config here */
siteMetadata: {
title: Medi Hospital & Research Centre,
author: 'Medi'
plugins: [
resolve: gatsby-source-filesystem,
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path: ${__dirname}/src/,
resolve: gatsby-transformer-remark,
options: {
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// gatsby-remark-relative-images must
// go before gatsby-remark-images
resolve: gatsby-remark-relative-images,
resolve: gatsby-remark-images,
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// It's important to specify the maxWidth (in pixels) of
// the content container as this plugin uses this as the
// base for generating different widths of each image.
maxWidth: 750,
linkImagesToOriginal: false
resolve: gatsby-plugin-manifest,
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name: GatsbyJS,
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"exclude": [
UNHANDLED REJECTION Unable to find plugin "[object Object]". Perhaps you need to install its package?
Error: Unable to find plugin "[object Object]". Perhaps you need to install its package?
See: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/gatsby-config/ / require("dotenv").config({ path:
, }) module.exports = { / Your site config here */ siteMetadata: { title:Medi Hospital & Research Centre
, author: 'Medi' }, plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet',{ resolve:
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, path:${__dirname}/src/
, }, },gatsby-plugin-sass
, { resolve:gatsby-transformer-remark
, options: { plugins: [ // gatsby-remark-relative-images must // go before gatsby-remark-images { resolve:gatsby-remark-relative-images
, }, { resolve:gatsby-remark-images
, options: { // It's important to specify the maxWidth (in pixels) of // the content container as this plugin uses this as the // base for generating different widths of each image. maxWidth: 750, linkImagesToOriginal: false }, }, ], }, }, { resolve:gatsby-plugin-manifest
, options: { name:GatsbyJS
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