sampepose / flownet2-tf

FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
MIT License
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Compile the makefile on windows #64

Open ADHARACSM opened 6 years ago

ADHARACSM commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

Can I compile in anaconda on Windows ?

I am getting the following errors:

(tensorflow3) D:\CSM\Spring2019\tensorflow\flownet2-tf>make all 1 [main] make 20384 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to the public mailing list nvcc -g -std=c++11 -Ipython -c "import tensorflow; print(tensorflow.sysconfig.get_include())" -I"/usr/local/cuda/include" -DGOOGLE_CUDA=1 -c src/ops/preprocessing/kernels/ -x cu -Xcompiler -fPIC -o src/ops/build/data_augmentation.o make: /bin/sh: Command not found Makefile:62: recipe for target `preprocessing' failed make: *** [preprocessing] Error 127

Iamanorange commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if the custom ops can be compiled on Windows. But anaconda should be OK.

If you are tring to compile on Windows, at least you should change the /usr/bin/blahblah /usr/local/blahblah to correct path.

I found you are using Cygwin. Make sure it supports both g++ from Cygwin and nvcc from Windows.

LiuzhuForFun commented 5 years ago

@ADHARACSM ,Hi do you solve it?