sampsyo / hass-smartthinq

Home Assistant component for LG SmartThinQ HVAC devices
MIT License
282 stars 98 forks source link

Unable to add dishwasher #47

Open jaganath-b opened 4 years ago

jaganath-b commented 4 years ago


Thanks a lot for your awesome effort with this integration. I'm unable to add LG dishwasher to HA. No errors in the logs, but the sensor is not added in HA

Steps followed :

  1. Installed via HACS
  2. Retrieved the token using wideq
  3. Country : AU, Language : en-AU (also tried with en-EN)
  4. Added Config parameters (token, country & language) in config.yaml

Debug logs (when filtered using smartthinq)

2020-04-11 13:49:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up smartthinq 2020-04-11 13:50:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: service=load_platform.sensor, platform=smartthinq, discovered=> 2020-04-11 13:50:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: service=load_platform.climate, platform=smartthinq, discovered=> 2020-04-11 13:50:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain smartthinq took 6.9 seconds. 2020-04-11 13:50:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event component_loaded[L]: component=smartthinq> 2020-04-11 13:50:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.smartthinq 2020-04-11 13:50:01 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.smartthinq 2020-04-11 13:50:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event hacs/repository[L]: id=1337, action=registration, repository=sampsyo/hass-smartthinq, repository_id=None>

Home Assistant component for LG SmartThinQ HVAC devices', 'domain': None, 'downloads': None, 'file_name': '', 'first_install': False, 'full_name': 'sampsyo/hass-smartthinq', 'hide': False, 'hide_default_branch': False, 'homeassistant': None, 'id': 'XXXXX', 'info': None, 'installed_version': 'XXX', 'installed': True, 'javascript_type': None, 'last_updated': '2020-03-13T01:42:33Z', 'local_path': '/config/custom_components/', 'main_action': 'REINSTALL', 'name': 'LG SmartThinQ Appliances', 'new': False, 'pending_upgrade': False, 'releases': [], 'selected_tag': None, 'stars': 80, 'state': None, 'status_description': 'No action required.', 'status': 'installed', 'topics': [], 'updated_info': False, 'version_or_commit': 'commit'}, {'additional_info': None, 'authors': [], 'available_version': '0.0.4', 'beta': False, 'can_install': True, 'category': 'integration', 'country': [], 'config_flow': False, 'custom': True, 'default_branch': None

I'm not sure if i'm missing anything. Any help is greatly appreciated.