sampsyo / wideq

reverse-engineered client for the LG SmartThinQ API
MIT License
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AC current power usage? #75

Open xman123 opened 4 years ago

xman123 commented 4 years ago

Hi, can I on some way check current power usage of my AC with wideq?


sampsyo commented 4 years ago

IIRC, I found some status information like this associated with my model of AC unit, but it was always reporting zero energy. In general, it seems to me like the only things that actually work in the API are values that are visible in the LG app, and I don’t recall seeing power usage in the app—do you see it?

xman123 commented 4 years ago

I have LG PC18SQ and I have current power consumption info in lg app and daily/weekly/monthly power usage info but in new version of LG app they don`t show real time value for power consumption and I hope that I can get it on some way with wideq....

sampsyo commented 4 years ago

Oh cool. I don't think my device supports it, but can you maybe try mon on yours to see if there's more data in there than I have?

xman123 commented 4 years ago

All what I can get with ac-mon is: on; HEAT; cur 66°F; cfg 60°F; fan speed NATURE

With just "mon": Polling... Polling... Polling...

dacrypt commented 4 years ago

I also have power usage reports in the app. Unfortunately I haven't been able to use mon either.

The following might be useful to find out how to obtain the data:

In the app, you can set a desired maximum energy consumption in a month. It will be used to graph a line in the usage graph so you can see it. It's also possible to see current, daily, weekly and monthly usage in kWh

          "GetEnergyDesiredValue": {
            "_comment": "GET_에너지 목표량",
            "cmd": "Control",
            "cmdOpt": "Get",
            "value": "EnergyDesiredValue"
          "SetEnergyDesiredValue": {
            "_comment": "SET_목표에너지",
            "cmd": "Control",
            "cmdOpt": "Set",
            "value": "{\"Schedule\" : \" { \"Day\":\"{EnergyDesiredValueDay}\",\"Week\":\"{EnergyDesiredValueWeek}\",\"Month\":\"{EnergyDesiredValueMonth}\" } \" } ",
            "encode": true
          "GetOutTotalInstantPower": {
            "_comment": "GET_실외기 총순시전력",
            "cmd": "Config",
            "cmdOpt": "Get",
            "value": "OutTotalInstantPower"
          "GetInOutInstantPower": {
            "_comment": "GET_실내외기 총순시전력",
            "cmd": "Config",
            "cmdOpt": "Get",
            "value": "InOutInstantPower"
xman123 commented 4 years ago

How to add this to wideq code and how to test it?

sampsyo commented 4 years ago

Oh cool! You could try doing ac._get_config('OutTotalInstantPower') or the same for the other string, InOutInstantPower. (You could drop this into the ac_config function in just to try it out.) It doesn't work for my unit, but maybe it does for yours.

xman123 commented 4 years ago

It must look like this?

def ac_config(client, device_id): ac = wideq.ACDevice(client, _force_device(client, device_id)) print(ac.get_filter_state()) print(ac.get_mfilter_state()) print(ac.get_energy_target()) print(ac.get_volume()) print(ac.get_light()) print(ac.get_zones()) print(ac._get_config('InOutInstantPower'))

Just last line and it need to work???

sampsyo commented 4 years ago

Something like that? It's worth a shot, I guess? Just a guess, really…

dacrypt commented 4 years ago

I've tested and these are the results:

Powered off: {'InOutInstantPower': '50'}{'OutTotalInstantPower': '0'}

Powered on (execute several times to see if it changes...):

  1. {'InOutInstantPower': '1213'} {'OutTotalInstantPower': '0'}
  2. {'InOutInstantPower': '1213'} {'OutTotalInstantPower': '0'}
  3. {'InOutInstantPower': '1230'} {'OutTotalInstantPower': '0'}

Switch to power saving mode: {'InOutInstantPower': '1202'}{'OutTotalInstantPower': '0'}

dacrypt commented 4 years ago

Furthermore, the app does provide nice graphs with day, week and month usage that you navigate. In order to get this functionality I checked some older pull requests made by other but couldn't make it work.

Since I think this is a must feature to have (specially for home assistant), I've installed mitmproxy and this is what I see from my investigations:

  1. Energy monitoring current day form the app:

 2020-01-22 01:56:12 POST HTTP/1.1 ← 200                                                                                                                                        application/json 92b 244ms
                              Request                                                             Response                                                              Detail
Cookie:             dtCookie=25650545404591_70|U21hcnRUaGluc
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JSON                                                                                                                                                                                                [m:auto]
    "lgedmRoot": {
        "deviceId": "d27c7740-7149-11d3-80b4-7440be9dee",
        "period": "Hour_20200122T000000Z/20200123T000000Z"


Date:            Wed, 22 Jan 2020 06:56:12 GMT
Server:          Apache
Content-Length:  92
Set-Cookie:      dtCookie=2565054048591_70|U21hcnRUaGlu; Path=/;
Connection:      close
Content-Type:    application/json;charset=utf-8
JSON                                                                                                                                                                                                [m:auto]
    "lgedmRoot": {
        "powerData": "00_0_3/01_0_918/02_75_263",
        "returnCd": "0000",
        "returnMsg": "OK"
  1. Getting energy usage from 2 days ago (total of 6.6 kWh) and a graph showing usage from 00:00am to 8:00am.

    "lgedmRoot": {
        "deviceId": "d27c7740-7149-11d3-80b4-7440be9dee",
        "period": "Hour_20200120T000000Z/20200121T000000Z"


    "lgedmRoot": {
        "powerData": "08_0_649/09_0_813/10_0_1165/11_0_1184/12_0_1163/13_0_1148/14_0_295/00_360_159",
        "returnCd": "0000",
        "returnMsg": "OK"
  1. Request report for the WEEK (2020.01.13 - 2020.01.19) with a total of 56.4 kWh and 3days 20hours usage

    "lgedmRoot": {
        "deviceId": "d27c7740-7149-11d3-80b4-7440be9deeb8",
        "period": "Day_20200113T000000Z/20200119T000000Z"


    "lgedmRoot": {
        "powerData": "13_1320_17934/14_1185_10019/15_735_5294/16_1080_9269/17_390_1726/18_240_3095/19_570_9084",
        "returnCd": "0000",
        "returnMsg": "OK"
  1. MONTH usage (2020.01) with a total of 171.2 kWh and 10 days, 16 hours and 14minutes usage:

    "lgedmRoot": {
        "deviceId": "d27c7740-7149-11d3-80b4-7440be9deeb8",
        "period": "Day_20200101T000000Z/20200131T000000Z"


    "lgedmRoot": {
        "powerData": "01_1124_13750/02_930_8830/03_825_6180/04_840_8199/05_960_10412/06_870_8935/07_557_3017/08_643_5824/09_528_3610/10_342_5825/11_1065_28551/12_690_3941/13_1320_17934/14_1185_10019/15_73
        "returnCd": "0000",
        "returnMsg": "OK"

Example graph: IMG_CDB0642AD214-1

xman123 commented 4 years ago

This working for me when I call "ac-config", for InOutInstantPower I have some value, look like current power usage in Watts but for OutTotalInstantPower I have 0....thank you...

AlexandreLogist commented 3 years ago

Furthermore, the app does provide nice graphs with day, week and month usage that you navigate. In order to get this functionality I checked some older pull requests made by other but couldn't make it work.

Since I think this is a must feature to have (specially for home assistant), I've installed mitmproxy and this is what I see from my investigations:

  1. Energy monitoring current day form the app:

 2020-01-22 01:56:12 POST HTTP/1.1 ← 200                                                                                                                                        application/json 92b 244ms
                              Request                                                             Response                                                              Detail


How did you guys manage to get the call ? Tried both in Wireshark & Fiddler but it seems the app can't connect (or won't) to the internet from a mobile device, where the mobile browser is fine. Some integrated security ?

I would like to implement the call to have daily / weekly energy consumption stats in Home Assistant.

Kind regards, Alexandre