samrum / vite-plugin-web-extension

A vite plugin for generating cross browser platform, ES module based web extensions.
MIT License
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Error loading css modules in vite 4.4.8+ #126

Open aleksolutions opened 11 months ago

aleksolutions commented 11 months ago

When I try to upgrade vite to a version higher than 4.4.7, after building the extension, the following messages appear in the console and cause the application to crash:

Error: Unable to preload CSS for /assets/index-1bdef0a0.css
    at HTMLLinkElement.<anonymous> (index-99ddc666.js:19:1496)

I'm using tailwind, but I have tried with a random css module and the same thing happens.

As usually, the extension works correctly in development mode.

aleksolutions commented 9 months ago

@samrum still with the same problem, do you still support this plugin?

samrum commented 8 months ago

Can you create a small repo that reproduces the issue?

TheEZIC commented 5 months ago

I faced with the same issue.

When I run vite build through npm command like npm run build I have this stuff in getCssAssetInfoFromBundle method: assetFileName: "public/toastr/toastr.min.css" Bundle object: image

But when I run it via just vite build command in console: assetFileName: "public/toastr/toastr.min.css" I cant run debugger from console, so I just console logged all bundle names. Bundle object has value with this name: image "public/toastr/toastr.min.css"

Seems like vite cleans extension somehow if you build through npm command.

hamedbaatour commented 3 weeks ago

Avoid using dynamic imports import('path/myscript.js') in your content script to import scripts, as this can lead to incorrect import paths in production environments. Instead, send a message to your service worker from the content script to execute additional JavaScript files:

  1. send a message to your service worker from your content script instead to run any addtional js files:

      target: { tabId: },
      files: ['path/myscript.js'],
  2. Also, ensure to include the path to the additional JavaScript file (path/myscript.js) in your vite.config.js configuration:

    // other configuration options
    additionalInputs: {
    styles: [...],
    html: [...],
    scripts: [
      // Add the path to your additional script here

Hope this helps 😉