samsondav / rihanna

Rihanna is a high performance postgres-backed job queue for Elixir
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Que 1.x design compatibility #46

Closed bgentry closed 5 years ago

bgentry commented 5 years ago

Que v1.x (currently in beta) has had significant design changes over the v0.x design. The changes are summarized in the changelog

The most relevant portion is this:

  • Que's implementation has been changed from one in which worker threads hold their own PG connections and lock their own jobs to one in which a single thread (and PG connection) locks jobs through LISTEN/NOTIFY and batch polling, and passes jobs along to worker threads. This has many benefits, including:
    • Jobs queued for immediate processing can be actively distributed to workers with LISTEN/NOTIFY, which is more efficient than having workers repeatedly poll for new jobs.
    • When polling is necessary (to pick up jobs that are scheduled for the future or that need to be retried due to errors), jobs can be locked and fetched in batches, rather than one at a time.
    • Individual workers no longer need to monopolize their own (usually idle) connections while working jobs, so Ruby processes will require fewer Postgres connections.
    • PgBouncer or another external connection pool can be used for workers' connections (though not for the connection used to lock and listen for jobs).

There are some major benefits to these design changes (thanks @chanks :clap:), in particular the removal of the requirement to open a dedicated connection and hold it for the entire duration of working a job. The v4 schema migration also illustrates the underlying changes to the Postgres schema that enable these upgrades.

Have you looked into this or thought about what might be involved in migrating Rihanna to this design?

samsondav commented 5 years ago

Hi @bgentry

Thanks for the thought. Actually, Rihanna's design differs slightly from Que 0.x in that it already has the concept of a single process (and pg connection) that dispatches jobs to multiple workers. So in that sense it already works similarly to Que 1.x and can have many more jobs running concurrently than there are active database connections.

The next stage for Rihanna in my mind is one step further than Que. It is an architecture that is made possible via distributed Erlang, and that is to have a cluster-wide dispatcher. This enables enormous throughput improvements because it removes lock contention from the database entirely.

In the imagined future model, you have one lock which is the global consumer lock. Only one connection (cluster) may hold this lock at any one time. The global consumer is a singleton within an Erlang cluster. Once it has the lock, it can consume jobs via polling/NOTIFY locklessly since it is the only consumer. It can dispatch these jobs within the Erlang cluster to workers as appropriate.

You can imagine this single consumer reading jobs in batches of, say, 1,000 at a time, and dispatching jobs from the in-memory buffer to processes as necessary to fulfil some sort of max concurrency limit. Each process is ephemeral and dies once the job is complete (efficient garbage collection) and sends back a message to the dispatcher which is able to remove the jobs from the database table.

I believe there are staggering performance gains possible with this model (I suspect several orders of magnitude) since by far the largest performance bottleneck is database lock contention. The only downside is that it requires the worker nodes to be in the same Erlang cluster.

bgentry commented 5 years ago

Hmm interesting design idea. The other caveat I can see with it is it would effectively eliminate many deployment setups from being able to use this addon, as it's not compatible with Heroku or other infrastructure where nodes directly communicate as part of a cluster. Not suggesting you should base your design on that so much as highlighting that it will limit the target audience a bit.

Thanks for explaining the current architecture in more detail! :v:

samsondav commented 5 years ago

Correct, it would not be compatible with Heroku. I would suggest these users can fallback to the old method which does not require a cluster and will continue to work just fine.

lpil commented 5 years ago

You can imagine this single consumer reading jobs in batches of, say, 1,000 at a time, and dispatching jobs from the in-memory buffer to processes as necessary to fulfil some sort of max concurrency limit. Each process is ephemeral and dies once the job is complete (efficient garbage collection)

The number of reductions before GC is (or was) 2000 so you'd need much smaller batches to not hit GC in this hot path. I suspect the GC here isn't the bottleneck, so larger batches are fine.

samsondav commented 5 years ago

@lpil I meant GC in the process that runs one particular job. However agree you are right that this is not the hot path.