samstaton / pro800

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Would you consider opening a Discussons tab? #1

Open Andy2No opened 8 months ago

Andy2No commented 8 months ago

Thanks for this information, especially for what you've shared about the sysex documentation.

It seems like there may be more details to be added, and perhaps other people will or have already discovered more to add here. I think a Discussions tab works better for that than using the Issues section. It's a way for users of a repo to share information with each other, or ask questions that other users might be able to answer, without the repo owner necessarily always needing to be involved.

At the moment, I'm interested in trying to get the Pro-800 working in KnobKraft Orm (, which is a sysex librarian mostly focused on picking patches off a grid by clicking, while playing a synth, though it can also do some basic bank management. I got as far as using it to import a full dump then using it to name or rename patches then dump them to disk... That might have to be revised for recent firmware updates. The main thing that's missing at the moment is a way to send a patch to the edit buffer, which doesn't seem to have been documented anywhere yet. In the meantime, I'll be looking into workarounds.

So, apologies for raising this as an issue, when it's really more suited to being a Discussion. Please give some thought to opening a Discussions tab because this repo seems like a very good place to accumulate any more knowledge on the subject.

samstaton commented 8 months ago

Hi @Andy2No, thanks for your interest and your librarian sounds great. Sorry for my late reply. I agree, it is quite frustrating that we don't know whether you can send/read to the edit buffer. You can send cc messages, if that helps.

As for the discussion, there is a fairly active community at gearspace, and you could ask them to list your KnobKraft mode there when it is ready. Since that is already quite established it might be a better place for a discussion than on here.