samsung-cnct / golang-tools

Helpers for our golang development
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OS-X Docker and gosu #5

Open mikeln opened 7 years ago

mikeln commented 7 years ago

gosu does not appear to be effective with native OS-X docker. Containers seem to run as root:root no matter what. Investigation needed.

mikeln commented 7 years ago

gosu is the package that assigns user:group value of a container. Normally docker runs the container as root:root. Several items associated with ssh require that the filesystem ACL match the running user. (e.g. ssh keys, or when glide dep download a mecurial repo).
So gosu is used to set the container user:group to the user running the container which is assumed to match the mounted filesystems. This is not as important currently, as we are not dynamically loading the dependencies via glide. (The dependencies are checked in in /vendor instead). However, when golang dep is working, this may need to be addressed again.