samtap / fang-hacks

Collection of modifications for the XiaoFang WiFi Camera
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Is there an update to fanghacks_v0.2.0? #415

Open TDPFlorida opened 5 years ago

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

When I update the firmware to v3.0.3.56 the hack appears to work but I cannot set to continuously record option in Mi Home.

When I update the firmware to v3.3.3.25 the hack appears to work but the SD Card is NOT seen

When I update the firmware to v3.3.4.107 the hack DOES NOT appears to work but the SD Card is seen (in Mi Home) and can set to continuously record…>Advanced Setting>Storage Management

The next firmware update is v3.3.4.242 but since the hack does not work in previous versions I didn't upgrade to this.

Is there a newer version of fanghacks?


TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

MiHome 4.14.101

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

Here the firmware v3.3.3.25 works flawless, i used MiHome 5.5.0 to update. I use it with " Disable cloud applications", the SD is working fine.

With the newer firmwares 3.3.4.x, i also had no luck.

fang1 fang2

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info. As far as I can tell FIRMWARE v3.3.3.25 works flawless for me also. I have updated through Mi Home (iOS) and the latest is v4.14.102 so I am guessing you are on Android puxxi2003? Thanks

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

Yes, i run the app on a FireStick4K.

On Android the trick is, you have to wait 10-15 min., when updating from v3.0.3.56 to v3.3.3.25.

When you update, it takes maybe 5 min. and the app show "OPEN" on the update page. Some time later, it shows a new update to v3.3.4.107. Now go to the update page and look closely.

If it shows: Current Firmware: New Firmware:

You are not done,

It must show: Current Firmware: New Firmware:

It reboots during the update process but wait until you see both firmware versions.

That's the only way i got v3.3.3.25 to work properly.

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

I am able to do a "natural" update via the Mi Home APP (iOS v4.14.102) to get the camera to firmware The Fang Hack seems to work least everything I've tried. When I do more updates via Mi Home to get the camera to FW The Mi Home seems to work fine and the files are stored to the SD Card. The problem I have with this is I need some way to get the files off the SD Card because the camera is HIGH and it takes a tall ladder (an hours work plus I have to borrow the ladder) to get to it so it would be nice to remotely access the SD Card (I currently use WinSCP) but in order to access it with this, I need the hack to work (an update that works with That is why I asked if there is an update? Thanks

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

When you use it as security cam, i bought it only to play with it, you may want to upgrade to In all china restrictions are gone, you can use the app normally, no complains that you are outside china-mainland.

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

90% of why I use it is for fun tinkering with it but I have found the security aspect of it is cool too. I would love to upgrade the firmware and the only reason I don't is I would like to have access to the SD card remotely. Is there an update to the hack or another hack that I could use to access it remotely?


TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

I discovered all the restrictions are removed with the new FW but I could bypass that by not going above Mi Home v3.12 (which do not have those restrictions as well.)

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

Actually another thing I could use is a way to set/change the watermark time in FW 3.3.4.x. I use fang hacks to do that but when I upgrade the firmware to 3.3.4.x it sets the watermark time BACK to mainland china.

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

When I change the time in the Mi Home app (even with the latest FW and Mi Home) nothing changes?


puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

To set the right time, i use this in rc.local:

ntpd -q -N -p TIMESERVER sleep 10 modprobe snx_rtc hwclock -s hwclock -t modprobe -r snx_rtc ntpd -q -N -p TIMESERVER

You may have to switch this: hwclock -t hwclock -s

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much but I'm more confused now lol. Are these in a text file on the root of the SD card named rc.local? They look like some king of script commands?


TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

I see when I image write "fanghacks_v0.2.0.img" to the SD card, it creates a file rc.local in the bootstrap directory. When I open that file with notepad, it looks like some kind of script. Can I just enter this at the end?:

ntpd -q -N -p TIMESERVER sleep 10 modprobe snx_rtc hwclock -s hwclock -t modprobe -r snx_rtc ntpd -q -N -p TIMESERVER

What language is this? I would like to know what each line is doing so is there a place I can learn the syntax?


servant74 commented 5 years ago is a good place to look up what modules do.

ntpd starts a time daemon modprobe adds a oadable module hwclock probably sets the date and time last mmodprobe removes a module then it re-starts or syncs the time daemon.

Anyway that is an overview.

TDPFlorida commented 5 years ago

So if ALL I am trying to do is change the watermark time, I don't really need fang hacks? I also would like to figure out a way to access the SD card REMOTELY (WinSCP is preferred).


puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

NO. The timestamp only works, when you turn off the timestamp in the app. i hope, may be it only works when you completely disable the cloud, never tested it. To create a real timestamp, you have to use "snx_isp_ctl". Look here:

Time problem: Thats why i use the commands in the rc.local: +1 Hour Offset Issue If after adding the timestamp overlay you noticed that the time is +1 hour off, please see the following. It would appear that this is a common problem.

Here is also a good place for answers, Wyze V1 uses the same hack.

Here you will find also answers. and

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

I was wrong, you can manipulate the timestamp.

Try hwclock -s in cmd.

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

This script should may (i hope) do the magic. :-)

Disable the 02-ntpd script in fang-hacks. Copy the 22-ntpd script to your sd-card --> /media/mmcblk0p2/data/etc/scripts/ Enable script and reboot.

As i said, you may have to change the position of the "hwclock". I live in germany and we have summer and winter time: Summertime (now): hwclock -t hwclock -s

Wintertime: hwclock -s hwclock -t

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

and the right timezone in fang hacks

GeiserX commented 5 years ago

Hi there, how could I upload the firmware to v3.3.3.25? Mi home can't find the XiaoFang even with the SD card out and rebooted. And I can't even find the v3.3.3.25 firmware on the Internet!

Anyway, what does the v3.3.3.25 bring to the current v3.0.3.56 that I have? I really would like to set like some reboot every day, because the rtsp is very unstable for me, rebooting kind of solves a bit of the problem

puxxi2003 commented 5 years ago

I don't know a download, update only through Mi home.

Before updating, you have to change the network back to cloud in fang hacks and surely disable "Disable Cloud", if you have. Then start the camera, wait a little bit and press "Reset", the yellow led should blink and the Mi app will find your Xiaofang.

prikaovets commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys, I'm new with hacking this device and I'm kindly asking does is possible hack Xiaomi XiaoFang cam, FW Motion detection doesn't work and it is most important for me?!

bbrdaric commented 4 years ago

Hi @TDPFlorida @puxxi2003 how did you get hack working on v3.3.3.25?

I can downgrade to v3.0.3.56 and then upgrade to v3.3.3.25, but on /cgi-bin/status I am getting error 404

madmax2 commented 3 years ago

@puxxi2003 "Disable the 02-ntpd script in fang-hacks. Copy the 22-ntpd script to your sd-card --> /media/mmcblk0p2/data/etc/scripts/ Enable script and reboot."

I did this but the timezone is still +1hr ahead in my video camera OSD. Also tried reversing as suggested in that same file and rebooted hwclock -t hwclock -s

Do we need to remove the rc.local file that we created with those other commands you said

Also why is 22-ntpd not auto starting/auto run whenever I reboot?

How to fix this?