If you're having trouble with Articulate we definitely want to help you. If you can provide a little bit of information it will make our troubleshooting job easier.
Please describe the issue you are having here and answer the question below.
Did you download a release or pull from Master? Which release?
last release from github
What operating system are you running?
CentOS 7
Are you running locally or in the cloud?
Which browser are you using?
Chrome, Firefox
Feature Request
If you've got a feature request we want to hear it
Please desribe the feature you would like us to add.
If possible provide the use case for the feature and how you would use it.
After last update review page is not shown, and sessions are same (open in firefox and chrome).
I choose new session from each side
Please describe the issue you are having here and answer the question below.
Which browser are you using? Chrome, Firefox
Feature Request
Please desribe the feature you would like us to add.
If possible provide the use case for the feature and how you would use it. After last update review page is not shown, and sessions are same (open in firefox and chrome). I choose new session from each side