Open samth opened 12 years ago
This program fails to typecheck without the annotation. It claims that the domain of (Cvt-cvt cvt) is Nothing', instead ofT0'.
Nothing', instead of
#lang typed/racket/base (struct: (T0 T1) Cvt ([cvt : (T0 -> T1)])) (: cvt-apply (All (T0 T1) (T0 (Cvt T0 T1) -> T1))) (define (cvt-apply value cvt) ((ann (Cvt-cvt cvt) (T0 -> T1)) value)) (: ItoS-Convert (Cvt Integer String)) (define ItoS-Convert (Cvt (λ: ((x : Integer)) "Hello"))) (: ItoS (Integer -> String)) (define (ItoS int) (cvt-apply int ItoS-Convert))
unix "Linux ajax 3.0.0-16-generic-pae #28-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 27 19:24:01 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux" (i386-linux/3m) (get-display-depth) = 32 Human Language: english (current-memory-use) 275888408 Links: (links) = ("assignments" "book" "var" "class"); (links #:user? #f) = (); (links #:root? #t) = (); (links #:user? #f #:root? #t) = () Collections: ("/home/samth/sw/plt/add-on/" ("info-domain")) ("/home/samth/sw/plt/collects" ("ffi" "hierlist" "images" "teachpack" "repo-time-stamp" "tool" "icons" "framework" "raco" "planet" "test-engine" "trace" "unstable" "htdp" "racunit" "setup" "embedded-gui" "readline" "0001-Ensure-that-vector-index-is-an-integer.patch" "browser" "xrepl" "deinprogramm" "raclog" "algol60" "make" "scribblings" "mzscheme" "mrlib" "sgl" "r5rs" "xml" "redex" "repos-time-stamp" "honu" "games" "syntax-color" "launcher" "parser-tools" "reader" "slideshow" "help" "drscheme" "scheme" "dynext" "rackunit" "afm" "srpersist" "typed-racket" "rico" "sirmail" "tests" ".gitignore" "handin-client" "plot" "html" "tex2page" "handin-server" "meta" "info-domain" "data" "graphics" "profile" "lazy" "db" "macro-debugger" "lang" "compiler" "mzcom" "gui-debugger" "guibuilder" "mysterx" "datalog" "frtime" "rnrs" "scribble" "r6rs" "stepper" "syntax" "scriblib" "2htdp" "combinator-parser" "schelog" "0001-Make-autocompletion-fuzzier-similar-to-the-doc-searc.patch" "string-constants" "waterworld" "openssl" ! "schemeunit" "slatex" "errortrace" "plai" "net" "eopl" "s-exp" "drracket" "picturing-programs" "mzlib" "typed-scheme" "wxme" "racklog" "web-server" "config" "test-box-recovery" "srfi" "mred" "version" "defaults" "at-exp" "texpict" "file" "swindle" "typed" "preprocessor" "racket" "mz")) Computer Language: (("Determine language from source") (#(#t print mixed-fraction-e #f #t none) (default) #() "#lang racket\n" #f #f))
Originally submitted on: Wed Mar 14 08:28:01 -0400 2012
This program fails to typecheck without the annotation. It claims that the domain of (Cvt-cvt cvt) is
Nothing', instead of
This bug was converted from Gnats bug 12631.