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Backwards compatibility issue #160

Open racket-bug-submit opened 12 years ago

racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
Originally submitted by Hampus on: Wed Mar 14 12:32:01 -0400 2012

I wrote a program in a previous version of racket and it worked, but after a recent update i receive this error message.

exception raised by error display handler: normalize-path: #path:U:/var (within the input path) is not a directory or does not exist; original exception raised: modulo: expects type as 1st argument, given: 125.99999999999999; other arguments were: 360

Steps to Reproduce:

Run the program, start a level, play for a couple of seconds and then it breaks

windows "Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600)" (win32\i386\3m) (get-display-depth) = 32
Human Language: english
(current-memory-use) 182494372
Links: (links) = (); (links #:user? #f) = (); (links #:root? #t) = (); (links #:user? #f
 #:root? #t) = ()

("C:\\Program Files\\Racket\\collects"
 ("2htdp" "algol60" "at-exp" "browser" "combinator-parser" "compiler" "config" "data"
 "datalog" "db" "defaults" "deinprogramm" "drracket" "drscheme" "dynext" "embedded-gui"
 "eopl" "errortrace" "ffi" "file" "framework" "frtime" "games" "graphics" "gui-debugger"
 "help" "hierlist" "htdp" "html" "icons" "images" "info-domain" "lang" "launcher" "lazy"
 "macro-debugger" "make" "mred" "mrlib" "mysterx" "mzcom" "mzlib" "mzscheme" "net"
 "openssl" "parser-tools" "picturing-programs" "plai" "planet" "plot" "preprocessor"
 "profile" "r5rs" "r6rs" "racket" "racklog" "rackunit" "raco" "reader" "readline" "redex"
 "rnrs" "s-exp" "scheme" "schemeunit" "scribble" "scribblings" "scriblib" "setup" "sgl"
 "slatex" "slideshow" "srfi" "stepper" "string-constants" "swindle" "syntax"
 "syntax-color" "teachpack" "test-box-recovery" "test-engine" "tex2page" "texpict" "trace"
 "typed" "typed-racket" "typed-scheme" "unstable" "version" "web-server" "wxme" "xml"

Computer Language: (("Initial language" "No language chosen") #(#t print mixed-fraction-e
 #f #t debug))
This bug was converted from Gnats bug 12632.

[anon-submit; hammp504 at hsd dot k12 dot or dot us]

racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 14 Mar 2012 13:04:05 -0400, matthias at ccs dot neu dot edu wrote:

Could you send us the program please [as a reply-all to this message]? -- Matthias

On Mar 14, 2012, at 12:32 PM, wrote:

> A new problem report is waiting at
> Reported by Hampus for release: 5.2.1
> *** Description:
> I wrote a program in a previous version of racket and it worked, but after a recent update i receive this error message.
> exception raised by error display handler: normalize-path: #<path:U:/var> (within the input path) is not a directory or does not exist; original exception raised: modulo: expects type <integer> as 1st argument, given: 125.99999999999999; other arguments were: 360
> *** How to repeat:
> Run the program, start a level, play for a couple of seconds and then it breaks
> *** Environment:
> windows "Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600)" (win32\i386\3m) (get-display-depth) = 32
> Human Language: english
> (current-memory-use) 182494372
> Links: (links) = (); (links #:user? #f) = (); (links #:root? #t) = (); (links #:user? #f #:root? #t) = ()
> Collections:
> ("C:\\Users\\hammp504\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket\\5.2.1\\collects"
> (non-existent-path))
> ("C:\\Program Files\\Racket\\collects"
> ("2htdp" "algol60" "at-exp" "browser" "combinator-parser" "compiler" "config" "data" "datalog" "db" "defaults" "deinprogramm" "drracket" "drscheme" "dynext" "embedded-gui" "eopl" "errortrace" "ffi" "file" "framework" "frtime" "games" "graphics" "gui-debugger" "help" "hierlist" "htdp" "html" "icons" "images" "info-domain" "lang" "launcher" "lazy" "macro-debugger" "make" "mred" "mrlib" "mysterx" "mzcom" "mzlib" "mzscheme" "net" "openssl" "parser-tools" "picturing-programs" "plai" "planet" "plot" "preprocessor" "profile" "r5rs" "r6rs" "racket" "racklog" "rackunit" "raco" "reader" "readline" "redex" "rnrs" "s-exp" "scheme" "schemeunit" "scribble" "scribblings" "scriblib" "setup" "sgl" "slatex" "slideshow" "srfi" "stepper" "string-constants" "swindle" "syntax" "syntax-color" "teachpack" "test-box-recovery" "test-engine" "tex2page" "texpict" "trace" "typed" "typed-racket" "typed-scheme" "unstable" "version" "web-server" "wxme" "xml" "xrepl"))
> Computer Language: (("Initial language" "No language chosen") #(#t print mixed-fraction-e #f #t debug))
racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 14 Mar 2012 10:46:25 -0700, clements at brinckerhoff dot org wrote:

On Mar 14, 2012, at 10:04 AM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

Could you send us the program please [as a reply-all to this message]? -- Matthias

Many of my students observed problems like this as well, over the last quarter. This may be a red herring, but I'm wondering if this is related to the problems that some students had when they ran DrRacket for the first time directly from a temporarily-mounted disk image, and then wound up with an installation that apparently contained permanent references to these temporary paths.


racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 14 Mar 2012 13:54:42 -0400, eli at barzilay dot org wrote:

A few minutes ago, John Clements wrote:

On Mar 14, 2012, at 10:04 AM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

Could you send us the program please [as a reply-all to this message]? -- Matthias

Many of my students observed problems like this as well, over the last quarter. This may be a red herring, but I'm wondering if this is related to the problems that some students had when they ran DrRacket for the first time directly from a temporarily-mounted disk image, and then wound up with an installation that apparently contained permanent references to these temporary paths.

This is most likely the same problem as the one in PR12549, and since Matthew also added a test that checks for such paths, it should not happen again.

-- ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay: Maze is Life!