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Help Desk generates Erroneous Xexpr - An Xexpr in the servlet is malformed #98

Closed racket-bug-submit closed 12 years ago

racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
Originally submitted by David Koch on: Wed Nov 24 05:05:00 -0500 2004

Help Desk generates-> Erroneous Xexpr

An Xexpr in the servlet is malformed. The exact error is Expected a symbol as the element name, given Calltrace

Steps to Reproduce:

From DrScheme

[Main-Menu [Help [Help Desk [PLT Help Desk] [Sofware [Installed Components ==>

Erroneous Xexpr

An Xexpr in the servlet is malformed. The exact error is

Expected a symbol as the element name, given Calltrace

The Full Xexpr Is

"(HTML (HEAD (STYLE ((TYPE text/css)) BODY {background-color:white; font-family:Helvetica,sans-serif}\n) (LINK ((REL icon) (HREF /help/servlets/plticon.ico) (TYPE image/ico))) (LINK ((REL SHORTCUT ICON) (HREF /help/servlets/plticon.ico))) (TITLE Software & Components)) (BODY (H1 Software & Components) (FONT ((COLOR forestgreen)) (H2 DrScheme)) (A ((NAME dr2) (VALUE DrScheme programming environment))) (A ((NAME dr3) (VALUE Running Scheme))) (B DrScheme) is a user-friendly environment for creating and running Scheme programs. (P) DrScheme's default (A ((HREF /servlets/scheme/ language) is Beginning Student. To change the language, select the (B (TT Choose Language...)) item in the (B (TT Language)) menu. (P) On this machine, the DrScheme program is (TT c:\bin\plt\DrScheme.exe) . (P) For more information, see (A ((HREF /servlets/ DrScheme) . (P) (FONT ((COLOR forestgreen)) (H2 MzScheme and MrEd)) (A ((NAME mz) (VALUE MzScheme interpreter))) (A ((NAME mr) (VALUE MrEd interpreter))) The (B MzScheme) and (B MrEd) executables run programs written in the MzScheme and MrEd variants, respectively, of the PLT Scheme (A ((HREF /servlets/scheme/ language) . (P) Create a MzScheme or MrEd program using the DrScheme development environment. Then, use the MzScheme or MrEd executable to run the program in its deployed setting. (P) On this machine, the MzScheme program is at (TT c:\bin\plt\MzScheme.exe) , and MrEd is at (TT c:\bin\plt\MrEd.exe) . (P) For more information, see (A ((HREF /doc/mzscheme/)) mzscheme) and (A ((HREF /doc/mred/)) mred) (P) (FONT ((COLOR forestgreen)) (H2 mzc)) (A ((NAME mzc2) (VALUE mzc compiler))) (A ((NAME mzc3) (VALUE Compiling))) The (B mzc) executable compiles MzScheme and MrEd programs to native code using a C compiler (which your system must provide). The resulting native code can be loaded into MrEd or MzScheme. The mzc compiler also provides limited support for building stand-alone executables from Scheme code. (P) On this machine, the mzc program is at (TT c:\bin\plt\mzc.exe) . (P) For more information, see (A ((HREF /doc/mzc/)) mzc) . (P) (A ((NAME help) (VALUE help-desk))) (FONT ((COLOR forestgreen)) (H2 Help Desk)) Help Desk provides information about PLT Software in a user-friendly, searchable environment. Help Desk can run by itself, or within DrScheme (via the (B (TT Help)) menu). You are currently reading this text in Help Desk. (P) On this machine, the Help Desk program is at (TT c:\bin\plt\Help Desk.exe) . (P) (A ((NAME setup-plt))) (FONT ((COLOR forestgreen)) (H2 Setup PLT)) (A ((NAME setup) (VALUE Setup PLT program))) (A ((NAME setup2) (VALUE setup-plt program))) (A ((HREF /servlets/ PLT&caption=Document for the setup collection)) Setup PLT) performs certain installation duties, such as compiling DrScheme's source code to make DrScheme start faster. (P) Setup PLT also unpacks and installs downloadable (TT .plt) distributions, such as the MrFlow distribution archive. However, Help Desk automatically runs Setup PLT when you use it to download a (tt .plt) file. (P) On this machine, the Setup PLT program is at (TT c:\bin\plt\Setup PLT.exe) . (P) (A ((NAME installed-components) (VALUE Installed Components))) (FONT ((COLOR forestgreen)) (H2 Additional Installed Components)) (A ((NAME installed-components))) (I The list below was generated by searching the set of installed libraries.) (UL (Calltrace (li (font ((color forest green)) (b Calltrace)) (br) Calltrace is a simple annotater that enables call tracing. See (A ((HREF /servlets/ for the trace collection&name=trace)) the documentation) for more information.)) (Errortrace (li (font ((color forest green)) (b Errortrace)) (br) Errortrace is a Poor Man's stack-trace-on-exceptions/profiler for MzScheme. Errortrace is not a complete debugger, and a real debugger in DrScheme is immi nent; meanwhile, using errortrace might be better than nothing. See (A ((HREF /servlets/ for the errortrace collection&name=errortrace)) the documentation) for more information.)) (Foreign Function Interfaces (li




windows "Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 4" (win32\i386) (get-display-depth) = 32 Docs Installed: (#path:c:binpltcollectsdocweb-server #path:c:binpltcollectsdoctour #path:c:binpltcollectsdoctools #path:c:binpltcollectsdoctex2page #path:c:binpltcollectsdocteachpack #path:c:binpltcollectsdoct-y-scheme #path:c:binpltcollectsdocswindle #path:c:binpltcollectsdocsrfi #path:c:binpltcollectsdocr5rs #path:c:binpltcollectsdocprofj-intermediate #path:c:binpltcollectsdocprofj-beginner #path:c:binpltcollectsdocprofj-advanced #path:c:binpltcollectsdocplot #path:c:binpltcollectsdocmzscheme #path:c:binpltcollectsdocmzlib #path:c:binpltcollectsdocmzc #path:c:binpltcollectsdocmred #path:c:binpltcollectsdocmisclib #path:c:binpltcollectsdocintermediate-lambda #path:c:binpltcollectsdocintermediate #path:c:binpltcollectsdocinsidemz #path:c:binpltcollectsdochelp #path:c:binpltcollectsdocframework #path:c:binpltcollectsdocforeign #path:c:binpltcollectsdocdrscheme #path:c:binpltcollectsdocbeginning-abbr #path:c:binpltcollectsdocbeginning #path:c:binpltcollectsdocadvanced) Collections: ((#<path:C:\Documents and Settings\kochdavid\Application Data\PLT Scheme\299.22\collects> ()) (#path:c:binpltcollects (#path:afm #path:algol60 #path:browser #path:compiler #path:cvs-time-stamp #path:defaults #path:doc #path:drscheme #path:dynext #path:embedded-gui #path:eopl #path:errortrace #path:ffi #path:finish-install #path:framework #path:frtime #path:games #path:graphics #path:guibuilder #path:handin-client #path:handin-server #path:help #path:hierlist #path:htdp #path:html #path:htmlprag #path:icons #path:info-domain #path:lang #path:launcher #path:make #path:mrdemo #path:mred #path:mrlib #path:mysterx #path:mzcom #path:mzlib #path:mzscheme #path:net #path:openssl #path:parser-tools #path:plot #path:preprocessor #path:profj #path:profjBoxes #path:readline #path:reduction-semantics #path:setup #path:sgl #path:sirmail #path:slatex #path:slibinit #path:slideshow #path:srfi #path:srpersist #path:ssax #path:ssax-webit #path:stepper #path:string-constants #path:swindle #path:sxpath-webit #path:syntax #path:syntax-color #path:test-suite #path:tests #path:tex2page #path:texpict #path:trace #path:version #path:waterworld #path:web-server #path:webit #path:xelda #path:xml)))

Human Language: english

Teachpack filenames: () Computer Language: (("Professional Languages" "PLT" "Pretty Big (includes MrEd and Advanced)") #6(#t write mixed-fraction-e #f #t debug))

This bug was converted from Gnats bug 7123.

[anon-submit actuary77 AT]

racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 15:57:15 -0500, robby assigned this bug to robby
racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 15:57:15 -0500, robby wrote:

fixed and released to CVS

Thanks for the report!

racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 21:24:16 -0600, wrote:

So, what is the fix for an existing windows v299 installation? What is the source of error? Why is error generated from this help-desk link and not others?

Does the current full-CVS windows distribution include the fix?

e.g. 299.22 is what I have installed and a the current version for download (2004 11 24) is unchanged at 299.22.

Is this a matter of replacing a collection(s) or rebuilding? Where can I access fix?


David Koch

racket-bug-submit commented 12 years ago
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 22:36:26 -0600, wrote:

At Wed, 24 Nov 2004 22:30:01 -0500, wrote:

So, what is the fix for an existing windows v299 installation?

Rebuild it, or wait a day and re-download it (depending on how you installed it to begin with).

What is the source of error?

A bug in the code that generated the html for that page of the documentation.

Why is error generated from this help-desk link and not others?

That's where the bug was....

Does the current full-CVS windows distribution include the fix?

It will tomorrow, after it is rebuilt (presumably -- assuming nothing else goes wrong with the build).

Of course, you can use CVS directly instead of waiting for the nightly build. It is probably easier to wait, however.

e.g. 299.22 is what I have installed and a the current version for download (2004 11 24) is unchanged at 299.22.

The version number is independent of this fix. We don't make new version numbers for minor bug fixes.
