samtools / bcftools

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Fail to subset VCF file by chromosomes #2067

Open MaayanYoles opened 8 months ago

MaayanYoles commented 8 months ago


My data consists of about 4000 subjects with a vcf file for each and the aim is to merge them all together and split by chromosomes. I used "bcftools merge -m none -Oz -o output_file input_files" to merge them, and "bcftools view -r chr_number input_path -Oz -o output_path" to split.

The merge went OK with no errors and a huge file made. When merging, still no raised errors, but it works only for the first 3 chromosomes. for the rest, a small file is made with the sample names and nothing more.

Would love some advice, since this makes no sense. worth noting - I checked the personal files and for sure they have all chromosomes in them.

Thank you so much, Best, Maayan

pd3 commented 8 months ago

What version of bcftools do you have? If it is the latest, would you be able to isolate the problem and create a minimal test case for us to reproduce? This would be a serious bug indeed.

MaayanYoles commented 8 months ago

Fist of all, thank you so mach for the quick response!

I use bcftools 1.9, installed from bioconda about 2 weeks ago.


pd3 commented 8 months ago

Uh, try with the latest version then and see if the problem persists