samtools / hts-specs

Specifications of SAM/BAM and related high-throughput sequencing file formats
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VCF ambiguities #89

Open d-cameron opened 9 years ago

d-cameron commented 9 years ago

The following syntax ambiguities/parsing issues remain in the draft VCF 4.3 specs:

Non-printable ASCII characters:

Recommended solution:

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pd3 commented 9 years ago

This is excellent Daniel, thank you. +1 from me.

jmarshall commented 9 years ago

should there be a TAB after the last record in each line?

No, and this is already mostly-adequately described: a final TAB in a line would introduce a final empty field, and those are disallowed by §1. This could be clarified by describing the lines as tab-separated rather than tab-delimited. So in §1.3 and §1.4.1:

-The header line is tab-delimited.
+The fields of the header line are separated by TAB characters.
@@ ...
-All data lines are tab-delimited.
+The fields of data lines are separated by TAB characters.
ghost commented 9 years ago

Float parsing

Is scientific notation allowed?

All Numeric/Floating point values are of the form "-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?"

To me it doesn't seem necessary to limit a float to the regex above. AFAIK parsing scientific notation isn't a problem so either notation should be valid. Personally I'm thinking of VCF files generated by algorithms that may need to output several very small numbers (admittedly the preceding 0's would compress). What is the reasoning behind limiting floating point numbers to full notation?

pd3 commented 9 years ago

@drjsanger This escaped my attention, sorry. I also agree that it must be possible to express floating point numbers using the scientific notation, for example 1e-10 should be valid. This regular expression should allow that '-?([0-9]+)?.?[0-9]*([eE][+-][0-9]+)?'. Note that by this we also disallow NaN, inf and similar.

jmarshall commented 9 years ago

Re float parsing, the regexp used in the SAM spec is [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?, which better represents real-world desirable +/- usage. It's unclear to me why we would disallow NaNs and infinities though — they are explicitly valid in BCF.

An alternative approach to saying what text floats should look like is to refer to the C or Java definitions of the relevant functions. So we could say something to the effect of: float values contain no white space but otherwise are as parsed by C's atof() in the default "C" locale or equivalently by Java's Float.valueOf() without any FloatTypeSuffix, perhaps except that binary/hex representations are disallowed. Admittedly there's a bit much "without this bit" in this approach, but it has the advantage over the regexp of saying what the digit string is supposed to mean…

bhandsaker commented 9 years ago

I think NaN and +/-Inf should definitely be allowed as float values.

I'm a little unclear about the issue for contig names, but I think contig names should not be allowed to look like symbolic alleles (starting with "<" and ending with ">") to avoid ambiguities. This seems like a reasonable restriction to me on contig names. I don't think it is reasonable to think that we can pre-define all important/reasonable/useful symbolic alleles. Symbolic alleles give us a way (without going outside the specification) to experiment with how to represent complex structural haplotypes.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I have to agree, I think NaN and +/-Inf should be valid as float values.

pd3 commented 9 years ago

@drjsanger @bhandsaker I remember there was an informal discussion long time ago that +/-inf can be replaced by reasonably big floats, but I am happy with +/-inf as well. However, what is the use case for NaN? We already have a missing value ".", parsers would have to check for both NaN and "."

bhandsaker commented 9 years ago

NaN is a valid float value. Depending on the API, a missing value "." or just no attribute present may be represented differently than returning a float. Also in some cases there may be difference between missing/absent (i.e. test was not performed) or NaN (test was performed but did not produce a valid value). Note that BCF distinguishes between NaN and missing (signaling NaN is used to store missing, quiet NaN to store a true NaN value).

d-cameron commented 9 years ago

As long as locale is explicitly specified, referring to another language specification seems to be the best way to fully define support. atof() might not be the best example as we'd want to disallow both leading whitespace, trailing garbage, alternate locales. I presume base 10 encoding is preferable for human readability purposes. Does it make sense to define a minimum round-trip fp precision? I've had errors introduced by tools truncating to 2dp, but that might be outside the scope of the specs.

d-cameron commented 9 years ago

@bhandsaker I was under the impression that complex structural variants were intended to be represented as any number of breakend variants all sharing matching EVENT identifier, with the predefined symbolic alleles used for common local SVs.

bhandsaker commented 9 years ago

I believe breakends are better for describing the kinds of structural rearrangements one finds in cancer genomes. Our lab focuses more on complex common SVs, such as 17q21.31 and similar sorts of situations where we might want to represent shared haplotypes in the population but may not have the level of specificity implicit in or required by the breakend notation.

I'm not suggesting any specific changes to the spec, just that we don't add language that would make a VCF invalid if it contains a new symbolic allele (although all symbolic alleles SHOULD be defined in the header).

d-cameron commented 9 years ago

@bhandsaker that in itself is a change to the v4.3 spec as the draft currently has a pre-defined fixed set of top-level SV allele as opposed to the open-ended style of v4.2. It seems like what you want to achieve can be resolved by reverting to allowing symbolic allele of any name, forcing interpretation of any reference matching a symbolic allele name as a reference to the symbolic allele and not a named contig with the same name.

It's looks like more than just the ALT header keys that would need changing for properly modelling complex SVs. SVTYPE is currently restricted to DEL, INS, DUP, INV, CNV, BND, and complex SVs don't fit neatly into any of those, although you could probably hack 17q21.31 into a named CNV allele. Does your use case involve representing such common variants as single-line named SVs at a nominal haplotype position, or is it something else?

On a related note, the specs still seem unclear as to whether alleles such as TTTA<DEL>, or AA<namedcontig1>TAAA<namedcontig2>NNN are allowed valid allele.

bhandsaker commented 9 years ago

@d-cameron @bhandsaker that in itself is a change to the v4.3 spec as the draft currently has a pre-defined fixed set of top-level SV allele as opposed to the open-ended style of v4.2. Can you point me to where this is changed so that symbolic alleles have to come from a pre-defined fixed set?

d-cameron commented 9 years ago

Line 146-153 of the initial VCF 4.3 branch change set

bhandsaker commented 9 years ago

Oh. heh heh. It's possible that I wrote that actually as part of the original SV specification. Well, I don't think it's worth loosening the specification. Sorry for the confusion.

pd3 commented 9 years ago

@d-cameron The RFC1738 is primarily about URLs and most of the unsafe characters relevant to URLs do not apply to VCF. Wouldn't it be better to give an explicit list of characters that can be encoded?

%3a  ..  :  (colon)  
%3b  ..  ;  (semicolon)
%3d  ..  = (equal sign)
%25  ..  % (percent sign)
%2c  ..  ,  (comma)
%0d  .. CR
%0a  .. LF
%09  .. TAB

The percent sign should be always written as %25, I think.

EDIT: added TAB to the list

d-cameron commented 9 years ago

I'd be happy with an explicit list of characters, although your list is missing TAB.

I've used RFC-style verbs MUST and SHOULD to indicate things that implementations need to implement, and things it would be nice to have. A percent sign MUST be encoded, but if a VCF is encountered in which it is not, then it would be nice for the implementation to fall back to literal %. The idea behind this is that it would allow an implementation to use the 4.3 decoding algorithm on earlier file versions which allow a literal % in the INFO field without dying. Happy to have omit that section to prevent confusion.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 12:12 AM, pd3 wrote:

@d-cameron The RFC1738 is primarily about URLs and most of the unsafe characters relevant to URLs do not apply to VCF. Wouldn't it be better to give an explicit list of characters that can be encoded?

%3a .. : (colon) %3b .. ; (semicolon) %3d .. = (equal sign) %25 .. % (percent sign) %2c .. , (comma) %0d .. CR %0a .. LF

The percent sign should be always written as %25, I think.

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pd3 commented 9 years ago

Ah, sorry, added TAB to the list. What others think about the literal % sign?

bhandsaker commented 9 years ago

I guess you mean the proposal to fall back to treating % literally (presumably if it is not followed by a digit). I think it's OK, but another possibility is to just trust the file header. If you want the old behavior, set your version to 4.2.

On 6/23/15 4:11 AM, pd3 wrote:

Ah, sorry, added TAB to the list. What others think about the literal % sign?

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cwhelan commented 8 years ago

+1 to the section on Meta-information lines and quote-escaping

jmarshall commented 5 years ago

FYI re and the following comments on NaNs and infinities: the 4.3 spec was modified to allow them in db372bca317e5576a5e082e63c395ac702054dee later that June, but that was never mentioned in this discussion.

The text added is that Float values are formatted “to match the regular expression ^…numeric…$, NaN, or +/-Inf”. It is not explicit whether NaN and Inf are intended to be case sensitive, but as they are adjacent to a regexp saying …[eE]… the reader's best guess is probably that they are intended to specify that exact capitalisation.

C's printf can output nan/NAN and [-]inf/[-]INF or [-]infinity/[-]INFINITY (there is no programmer control over whether infinity is 3 or 8 letters), while its scanf understands all of those completely case-insensitively. Meanwhile Java's Double.valueOf accepts only [+-]?NaN and [+-]?Infinity spelt and capitalised exactly thus.

Thus the VCF specification's NaN and +/-Inf are difficult to output in C and its +/-Inf is difficult to parse or output in Java. See also samtools/bcftools#755.

IMHO the right way to fix this in the specification is to apply Postel's law and change that text to match what scanf accepts (i.e., {+,-,}{NAN,INF,INFINITY} case-insensitively).