samtupy / nvgt

The Nonvisual Gaming Toolkit
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Important! Android Custom Input, get_characters Method #120

Open harrymkt opened 1 month ago

harrymkt commented 1 month ago


So the issue, I cannot type on android, even if I am using keyboard. Native input box might work, but it is happening on audio form inputs.

So I'm looking for a way if audio form can be implemented, or get_characters method itself for inputs as it is the function audio form uses to collect text.

samtupy commented 1 month ago

Indeed typing input on Android still requires attention and there is no way even with native input box to input text. This and lack of proper asset management are the 2 largest remaining disappointments with Android, however we opted to release the version because any game that does not require typing input is more than playable on Android at this time. Never the less we're aware of it and will implement it soon. Thanks.