samtupy / nvgt

The Nonvisual Gaming Toolkit
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form. A bug with selecting text with shift + right/left arrow keys #63

Open peter1384 opened 3 weeks ago

peter1384 commented 3 weeks ago

so, i'll provide steps to reproduce to prevent confusion, and so you can understand the problem properly 1: type "hello" in the editbox 2: As this is not reproduceable with the first character, press right arrow once or twice to focus on the leter "E" or "L" of the hello, We are focusing on leter "E" in this example. 3: press shift + right arrow once, you'll hear "e Selected". 4: press shift +left arrow. In nvgt form: You'll hear "h Selected", Which is not correct and shouldn't be like this. In windows notepad: You'll hear "e unselected", Which is correct and what should happen. This also happens with selecting a leter with shift +left arrow and then you try to unselect it with shift + right arrow, That's also broken same as left arrow which steps provided above. another note: This bug only happens with leter selection which is done with shift+left/right arrow keys, The word selection which is done with ctrl+shift+left/right arrow keys doesn't have any bug, and works fine as expected So, please fix these text selection bugs. Thanks!

peter1384 commented 2 weeks ago

hi @samtupy While my first issue related to change the search text dialog and make it like notepad is not very important And I just openned it because it's nice to have it like that generally but it can be done at any point later, Can you please investigate my 2 last issues which one is this, And the things requested in issue of modifying go to dialog? I need these, And moste importantly, I don't whish anyone else except you to fix these form issues, Because you are the gratest form modifyer as i've seen in the programming history ever, as an example, I love nvgt's form's words and characters ehko how if you wright a word and press space, as many times as you want to read your word again, You can delete the space and press space again to hear your word again, where as in nvda you can't, your word is being red to you only the first time you press space, then the buffer will be cleared, which means pressing backspace and space again won't read your word again, you have to read your word in another way. This was a tiny example of how your form is nice, This is not only stikked to nvgt, I used to see stw's forms even back to the time stw was stil in bgt, And i'd have a deap breath in my chest and be like, oh god, how nice, but sadly in that time asking you for any peace of code would bring a permanent ban LOL LOL, so, I don't want any other contribution for these form related, except you yourself. Thanks!

peter1384 commented 2 weeks ago
peter1384 commented 1 week ago

@samtupy another note: This bug only happens with leter selection which is done with shift+left/right arrow keys, The word selection which is done with ctrl+shift+left/right arrow keys doesn't have any bug, and works fine as expected

peter1384 commented 1 week ago

Now, I'll report the word selection bugs which are fue of them, here in this comment first bug 1: type "hello" in the editbox, with out adding any space or anything at the end of it 2: press left arrow until mooved to the first leter of the hello which is h 3: press ctrl+shift+right arrow, you'll hear "hello Selected" 4: press ctrl+shift+left arrow, you'll hear "hell Unselected", Which means the last character is not spoke But you should've heard "hello Unselected" note: This bug doesn't happen when selecting with left and unselecting with right bug 2 1: type "hello" in the editbox, with out adding any space or anything at the end of it, note that when you add any space or any of the audio form word seperators at the end of it, This bug will disappear, So just type hello 2: press ctrl+right/left arrow keys to read the word, you'll just hear blank, But if any of the audio form word seperators are at the end of the hello, word movement will work fine and will read your hello to you because then it asumes that there are more than only 1 word, Currently it has this bug when it asumes there is only 1 word

braillescreen commented 1 week ago

Hi there.

It would be much appreciated if you edit issue comments directly rather than post multiple comments at the same time; while also keeping them pretty directly related to the issue at hand. GitHub discussions are available for long-winded responses, but I believe the engine's core contributors would much appreciate being able to jump between various problems they can fix and immediately have information they need to fix it.

Additionally, please keep in mind that each new comment you send, it sends an email each time! This makes it a bigger struggle going through emails, in general.

Thanks much!

peter1384 commented 1 week ago

@braillescreen hi, i'm sorry if sometimes I posted multipul comments, But yeah, I also edit my comments when I remember something new to add in my comment.