When I attempt to browse the market via a script and pass in the "k3y" parameter like you can in market.browse at the CLI, HSE displays this as an error on the browse method.
Error message:
No overload matches this call.
Overload 1 of 3, '(args: { seller: string; listed_before: number; listed_after: number; cost: string | number; } & Omit<UpgradeCore, "rarity"> & { [x: string]: string | number | boolean; rarity: "`0noob`" | ... 4 more ... | "`531337`"; }): ScriptFailure | { ...; }[]', gave the following error.
Argument of type '{ k3y: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ seller: string; listed_before: number; listed_after: number; cost: string | number; } & Omit<UpgradeCore, "rarity"> & { [x: string]: string | number | boolean; rarity: "`0noob`" | ... 4 more ... | "`531337`"; }'.
Type '{ k3y: string; }' is missing the following properties from type '{ seller: string; listed_before: number; listed_after: number; cost: string | number; }': seller, listed_before, listed_after, cost
Overload 2 of 3, '(args: { i: string; }): ScriptFailure | { i: string; seller: string; cost: number; count: number; description: string; upgrade: Upgrade; no_notify: boolean; }', gave the following error.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'k3y' does not exist in type '{ i: string; }'.
Overload 3 of 3, '(args: { i: string[]; }): ScriptFailure | { i: string[]; seller: string; cost: number; count: number; description: string; upgrade: Upgrade; no_notify: boolean; }[]', gave the following error.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'k3y' does not exist in type '{ i: string[]; }'.ts(2769)
Running script with this parameter works fine despite the error, indicating "k3y" is valid parameter for market.browse.
When I attempt to browse the market via a script and pass in the "k3y" parameter like you can in market.browse at the CLI, HSE displays this as an error on the browse method.
Error message:
Running script with this parameter works fine despite the error, indicating "k3y" is valid parameter for market.browse.