samuel-zeray / Test-Driven-Calculator-and-Mathematical-operations-in-java

This is a functional calculator written in java with test driven development
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To-Do List #2

Open samuel-zeray opened 1 month ago

samuel-zeray commented 1 month ago

Here are our project's To do list ############### To Do #############
1)Basic calculations (Add,Mul,Div,Dif) with its test Driven development
By Matyos Tsegay 2)Trigonometric calculations(sin, cos, tan, tangent, cotangent..) with its test Driven development
By Semere Herruy 3)Inverse of all trigonometric functions(Mentioned @#2)with its test Driven development
By Kiros G/medhin 4)Factorial, Permutation and Combination with its test Driven development
By Samuel Zeray 5)Exponential, Radical. Logarithm, Lan with its test Driven development​ By Tewelde Gebre

semereherruy commented 1 month ago

Anyone can add other operations as he can