samuelclay / NewsBlur

NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument.
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Backend: Priority dislike #1389

Open teddybradford opened 3 years ago

teddybradford commented 3 years ago

When creating intelligent filters, currently it seems that likes always trump dislikes. It would be useful to have 2 additional states: priority like and priority dislike that have higher priority than regular likes and dislikes. These new states could be colored coded as a brighter tint of green and a brighter tint of red.

samuelclay commented 3 years ago

The way likes work now is that they are already priority. 1 green and 5 reds shows the story as green. But, for hiding stories I do agree it would be nice to have a priority red. No idea how to do the UI on this one, since it would complicate things considerably. The only way this is getting built is with an overhaul of training.

Keeping open but as a low priority as something to think about.

teddybradford commented 3 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. For the UI maybe clicking the thumbs down icon could cycle through normal dislike, priority dislike, and the neutral states?