samuelclay / NewsBlur

NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument.
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Default browser preference on iOS not working #1866

Closed samuelclay closed 1 month ago

samuelclay commented 1 month ago

See this ticket:

For full stories that open in a browser, I want to use a different browser (Safari) from my iPhone default (Firefox - which I use for everything else). My NewsBlur preference for default browser is set to Safari, but stories open in the device default, Firefox.

NewsBlur iOS v. 13.0, in iOS 17.4.1. I don’t know if the preference overrode system settings in any earlier versions, I’ve just noticed this (apparently) problem now.

Dejal commented 1 month ago

I'll take a look on Monday, but I suspect this might be something that can't be fixed. From memory, opening in a non-Safari browser requires using a special URL that they support, but Safari doesn't support a special URL if Safari isn't the default browser.

If that's the case, your only option would be to use the in-app browser (which uses the Safari rendering engine).

samuelclay commented 1 month ago

Be sure to post that comment in the thread for the user!

Dejal commented 1 month ago

I've posted to the thread, and am closing this as can't fix.