Closed clumma closed 11 years ago
Does the embed load sometimes but not others? If you hit 'r', does the embed load?
It never does on CreateDigitalMusic
on the Mac (10.8 Firefox 23.0.1). If I hit "r" the entire list reloads with the flash embeds blank again.
On Windows (Vista 64 Firefox 23.0) the embeds show up blank and then a second later the view redraws and they're there. Same on Mac Chrome. So it seems to be a Mac Firefox problem.
Do you use the https version of Newsblur? That version doesn't allow me to see embedded http content like youtube.
Yeah, this is due to Chrome/FF new mixed content mode settings. You have to use the non-https version in order to load http sites in embeds (this include Flash and the Story pane).
Here's something I've been seeing lately: videos showing up as an empty frame in Feed view. Seems like a race condition or something... sometimes they do load. Also noticed it with the SoundCloud Flash player. Here's an example