samuelcolvin / Bokeh.jl

Bokeh Bindings for Julia
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Implement openhtmldoc for Windows #1

Closed tkelman closed 10 years ago

tkelman commented 10 years ago

Couldn't fit it within the previous structure, open = "cmd /c start" wouldn't work.

Awesome work here, and effective way of getting contributions! It works nicely in Chrome, but strangely the same bokeh_plot.html doesn't show up in latest Windows Firefox. Upstream problem?

samuelcolvin commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot, looks much better.

I've just checked the simple example from test/testshow.jl and it works fine in firefox on ubuntu. It might be because my implementation doesn't supply all the JSON that python does, or it could be a bokeh v0.4.4 issue. Perhaps someone from Bokeh proper like @bryevdv would be able to help?

bryevdv commented 10 years ago

Is there a copy of the json that we could look at somewhere?

samuelcolvin commented 10 years ago

See the debug.* example, the JSON is "pretty printed" which should make checking it easier.

bryevdv commented 10 years ago

Hey guys I have not forgotten this. We have just been swamped with the 0.5 release. I am hoping to actually get julia installed and try things out in the next few days.

bryevdv commented 10 years ago

OK and now I am swamped with travel and PyData Berlin. I am installing Julia today though, so that is at least a first step. :) Do you guys have any comments or questions that I can help with in the mean time?

samuelcolvin commented 10 years ago

I haven't had time to update Bokeh.jl much yet, I've written basic docs and made a few changes so I'll try and release a new version this week.

There's a weird issue where the plot doesn't work in IJulia (ipython notebook) the first time. If you reopen the ipython notebook document it works fine. Any ideas? I guess I should make a proper issue for this.

bryevdv commented 10 years ago

The first thing I would check is the browser debug console to see if there are any errors or messages reported there.