samuelcolvin / Bokeh.jl

Bokeh Bindings for Julia
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0.0.2 release #14

Closed samuelcolvin closed 9 years ago

samuelcolvin commented 9 years ago
samuelcolvin commented 9 years ago

as per #13 the aim is to get this ready for mid February to coincide with Bokeh v0.8.

Maybe best to have a release before that which works with v0.7 then, then just fix any conflicts with v0.8 once it's released?

bryevdv commented 9 years ago

There should be very little if any changes like happened with 0.7 and glyphspecs, so optimistically anything you base on current code should also work with 0.8. I would say it's at least worth testing this a few times with master leading up to 0.8, it would be good to know whether there are any problems earlier rather than later.

We can definitely host docs on or prominently link to docs hosted elsehwere, or both. I'm not sure if it makes sense for you to try and adopt the same Sphinx style the current main site uses. If you'd like to let me know I am happy to help. We will eventually have to figure out a mechanism that would allow you to deploy the docs on your own, but for now I would suggest starting with our fabfile as a template, and for now I can just run it with my creds to deploy your docs whenever you like. The easiest scenario will be if all your docs live under a single dir that the fabfile can just rsync.

We are also thinking of splitting off the docs into a separate repo. If we did that we could either build up all the docs for all languages with git subtrees, or we could give people write access to the docs repo to contribute their docs directly. Do you have any thoughts on what would be easiest/best for you?

samuelcolvin commented 9 years ago

I think simplest for me to build and deploy the docs myself then we don't need to faff about with permissions etc., you can link to them and then in future if it becomes clear that it would be best to have the docs in one places we can move them across.

I might as well use a github site. I should be able to build the site using the gh-pages branch and keep the package clean.

I also build Julia By Example so I might add a simple example of Bokeh.jl and link to the docs.

bryevdv commented 9 years ago

Linking will work perfectly as well :)

bryevdv commented 9 years ago

@samuelcolvin just checking in. We are on track for a 0.8 release on the 17th. I am going to add a section in the main bokeh docs linking to all the new language bindings. If you have anything in particular you would like the bokeh.jl section to say, please let me know. As always if there is anything we can do to help, let us know that too.

samuelcolvin commented 9 years ago

It's still very rough, but I've made a start on Bokeh.jl's main omission; a help site:

I'll try and fill it out tomorrow.

bryevdv commented 9 years ago

Looks great! Ler me know if there is anything we can help with.

samuelcolvin commented 9 years ago

I'm going to close this as I've released a new version. I'll work on the remaining points when I get a chance.

Nothing in particular I need help with, any feedback on the docs and the interface generally would be appreciated.