samuelcolvin / Bokeh.jl

Bokeh Bindings for Julia
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Propose to delete / sunset Bokeh.jl repo #38

Closed bryevdv closed 7 years ago

bryevdv commented 7 years ago

There has been no work on Bokeh.jl in several years, and it has was last updated for Bokeh 0.4 which is ancient at this point. Although I think that Bokeh and Julia would make a terrific combination, there has also been no interest from the community in picking up maintenance of Bokeh.jl, despite a few different attempts to reach out.

Given that, rather than indefinitely host a hopelessly outdated project, I propose to delete this repo entirely, sometime before a Bokeh 1.0 release. Alternatively, I would also be amenable to moving this repo out of the Bokeh organization into another GH org or user account.

@bokeh/bokeh-julia @bokeh/dev

samuelcolvin commented 7 years ago

Why don't we move it back to me? I'll put a prominent message saying "discontinued see issue".

Sad end to a bright idea, but I haven't worked on Julia at all in several years. I entirely agree with you about not keeping obsolete projects hanging around.

bryevdv commented 7 years ago

@samuelcolvin I am happy to do that, let me look into what is required.

bryevdv commented 7 years ago

@samuelcolvin it looks like there is a big red "transfer ownership" button. I've also gotten no objection from @pzwang so as soon as you give me a final go-ahead I will make the transfer.

samuelcolvin commented 7 years ago

go ahead.

bryevdv commented 7 years ago

@samuelcolvin I get this message:

samuelcolvin/Bokeh.jl already exists and You can only transfer a repository from an organization to yourself at this time

It seems the options are:

samuelcolvin commented 7 years ago


I deleted mine and did the transfer.

bryevdv commented 7 years ago

@samuelcolvin great, thanks! And thanks for lighting the way early on that it's possible to make other language bindings for Bokeh. I do hope some day Bokeh+Julia might get revisited.

samuelcolvin commented 7 years ago

No problem. Thanks for Bokeh.