The final tweak at the bottom of /etc/udev/hwdb.d/10-usb-kbd.hwdb disables a device that the keyboard firmware reports as a “keyboard mouse”. We assume that the keyboard firmware has some provision for a Trackpoint-style pointer that doesn’t physically exist on the keyboard, but the firmware still reports it. Having this device enabled resulted in the trackpad being disabled if you enabled the “disable when external mouse connected” option. The phantom “keyboard mouse” device was again assumed to be external, meaning LibInput assumed you had an additional external mouse connected and that you didn’t want the trackpad anymore.
swaymsg -t get_inputs reports this device:
From the sounds of the elementaryOS article, this device is not real/present and should be suppressed with a udev rule.
swaymsg -t get_inputs
reports this device:9610:30:HAILUCK_CO.,LTD_USB_KEYBOARD_Mouse
From the sounds of the elementaryOS article, this device is not real/present and should be suppressed with a udev rule.