samuelet / indexmenu

A dokuwiki plugin to show a customizable and sortable index for a namespace.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Page not displayed if parent namespace is also a page #238

Closed pkuehne closed 11 months ago

pkuehne commented 3 years ago

I have a namespace, which is also a page underneath which I have another page. This is to allow hierarchical nesting of pages.

So navigating to shows a normal page with text and images. Navigating to shows another page with text and images. If I place the indexmenu macros inside the foo page, like so:

{{indexmenu>.|js}} I only see the foo page (styled as a namespace), but not the bar subpage. It does appear if I use the nons option, but then the hierarchy is lost.

Klap-in commented 3 years ago

The setting 'plugin»indexmenu»headpage' has enabled :same-option. Therefore, the foo page is recognized as headpage, and used as link of the foo-namespace.

If I use your syntax example, then I get this. So there is a bar-page in the foo-namespace. And the foo-namespace item is clickable to the foo-page. foo-bar-example

If I use {{indexmenu>.|js nopg}}, then the pages (e.g. bar in your case) are hidden, and I get only the namespaces, with clickable links to their headpage (in your case a link to foo-page).

Could it be that in the Config Manager the 'plugin»indexmenu»defaultoptions', already nopg is added to settings?

Klap-in commented 11 months ago

No response, therefore closing.