samuelet / indexmenu

A dokuwiki plugin to show a customizable and sortable index for a namespace.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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tsort nsort - mix Namespaces and Sites #286

Closed LMS235 closed 6 months ago

LMS235 commented 6 months ago

After the last update the pages and namespaces are mixed, see picture:


with "notsort" this does not happen, but then it is sorted by page name, not by heading.

That was different with the last version, and it should be the same again. So first the folders / namespaces, then the individual pages, don't mix them.

LMS235 commented 6 months ago

I see the note here


But that's exactly what's supposed to happen again (I don't know why they took it out)

Klap-in commented 6 months ago

Before it grouped namespaces and pages. Now I sort them together, because it was a often requested feature for nsort. I thought it could makes sense to join it in the nsort option.

But if this is undesired, then I could also introduce it as extra option group. I wondering which default makes most sense in that case. group or nogroup, I think now nogroup as default.

LMS235 commented 6 months ago

I think the default should be the old state (as in the last version) and the new one should be switchable.

And thanks for the quick response :)

When is a new version with the group function expected to be available?

Klap-in commented 6 months ago

I cannot tell yet, as I work on it in my free time. Please try the previous version in the releases list of GitHub, you can use that link to install it via the Extension Manager temporary.

Klap-in commented 6 months ago

I prefer not-grouping because often the pages with similar name are related to the namespaces with that name, which might give better overview for use as menu in sidebars.

Could you please explain why you prefer grouping?

If others who see this can share there opinion as well by voting I will appropriate that:

👍 Use nogroup as default, thus namespaces and pages are mixed but all sorted by the type requested. 👎 Change default to group, thus sort namespaces and pages both, but separately grouped. (This restores behaviour to situation as before December 2023)

LMS235 commented 6 months ago

We use this for the sidebar (as probably most people do) - which means I want to have my namespaces at the top and individual pages at the bottom (grouped as before). Because the pages have nothing to do with the namespaces (otherwise the pages would be under the corresponding namespace).

Now the behavior has just been changed overnight. That shouldn't happen in general. In other words, the new feature should be optional but not the default (in my opinion).

Klap-in commented 6 months ago

I see. I'm trying (and considering already a couple of other ideas) to make the plugin simpler and more consistent especially with sorting. Also I try to reduce the number of options. But so far I did not yet succeed ;-) Sorry for the inconvenience here! However, it might be not the latest change unfortunately. As you propose, it is probably better to choice the same defaults as before. I think I will indeed introduce a separate group option, and make group the default.

Klap-in commented 6 months ago

Does this work for you as expected?

LMS235 commented 6 months ago

@Klap-in work as expected, thank you :)

e-dschungel commented 6 months ago


for me its not working as expected. I'd like to sort alphabetically with no grouping (ns and pages sorted together). {{indexmenu>.#0|nsort nogroup}} -> grouped, sort alphabetically {{indexmenu>.#0|rsort nogroup}} -> grouped, reversed order {{indexmenu>.#0|rsort nsort nogroup}} -> not grouped, but reversed order

Klap-in commented 6 months ago

Grouping is the default. Only if you use nsort, you can use nogroup. However, nsort is only activated if you use rsort, hsort, tsort, dsort or msort. (I have ideas to change this, but that is longer term wish)

e-dschungel commented 6 months ago

Ah, thanks, a bit counter intuitive but works for me too now.

LMS235 commented 6 months ago

@Klap-in update plugin.txt and dokuwiki plugin site?