samuelet / indexmenu

A dokuwiki plugin to show a customizable and sortable index for a namespace.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Indexmenu requires Admin>Configuration>Save every time Page Titles are edited #297

Closed rgleason closed 5 months ago

rgleason commented 5 months ago

See closed Resolution of the this issue was to save the configuration, which updates the sidebar index menu. Now, every time I edit a title in a page, I have to go to configuration > Save.

It used to be more seamless, with the sidebar updating when changes are made. Can this be fixed I hope?

LATER: Also see

for info on how indexmenu is set up.

Klap-in commented 5 months ago

Ah, this actually a continuation of the other issue ;-) was fine for me to reopen.

Your testing with resaving the Configuration Manager shows it is a caching issue. This will probably take some effort for me to test were that happens, it depends often on details, and see how I can let it expire at the right moment. So I hope you could be patience with me. :-)

Klap-in commented 5 months ago

In general I expect that the Kaos upgrade will not affect this different, because I use that already on my test machine. So I would an upgrade not let depend on this issue.

rgleason commented 5 months ago

Tbanks Klap-in. There are certainly worse issues at times. I can wait, other editors may be puzzled but Ill try to let them know.

Klap-in commented 5 months ago

I moved back to the other thread as it contains more info about the caching issue.

Btw, offtopic remark: I see a remark about sorting namespaces and pages, you know the options nsort and group exists? Not sure if that is what you meant, but if so, these are interesting to test?