Closed Ladvace closed 2 months ago
I'm trying to do notarization in my github action, but for some reason I'm getting the following error:
my config (in the package.json)
"build": { "dmg": { "sign": false }, "appId": "", "publish": [ { "owner": "OWNER", "repo": "REPO-NAME", "provider": "github", "private": true } ], "asar": true, "directories": { "output": "release/${version}" }, "files": [ "dist-electron", "dist" ], "afterSign": "electron-builder-notarize", "mac": { "notarize": { "teamId": "APPLE_TEAM_ID" // hardcoded for now }, "artifactName": "${productName}_${version}.${arch}.${ext}", "entitlements": "./build/entitlements.mac.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "./build/entitlements.mac.plist", "target": [ "dmg", "zip" ], "hardenedRuntime": true }, "win": { "target": [ { "target": "nsis", "arch": [ "x64" ] } ], "artifactName": "${productName}_${version}.${ext}" }, "nsis": { "oneClick": false, "perMachine": false, "allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": true, "deleteAppDataOnUninstall": false }, "linux": { "target": [ "AppImage" ], "category": "Office" } }
yml action:
name: Build/release on: push: tags: - 'v*.*.*' jobs: release: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: # os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] os: [macos-latest, windows-latest] steps: - name: Check out Git repository uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install Node.js, NPM and Yarn uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: 20.13.0 - name: Debug environment variables run: env - name: Debug GitHub Ref run: echo "GITHUB_REF=${{ github.ref }}" - name: Prepare for app notarization if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos') # Import Apple API key for app notarization on macOS run: | mkdir -p ~/private_keys/ echo '${{ secrets.API_KEY }}' > ~/private_keys/AuthKey_${{ secrets.API_KEY_ID }}.p8 - name: Build/release Electron app uses: Yan-Jobs/action-electron-builder@v1.7.0 with: mac_certs: ${{ secrets.MAC_CERTS }} mac_certs_password: ${{ secrets.MAC_CERTS_PASSWORD }} # GitHub token, automatically provided to the action # (No need to define this secret in the repo settings) github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # If the commit is tagged with a version (e.g. "v1.0.0"), # release the app after building release: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v') }} env: # macOS notarization API key API_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.API_KEY_ID }} API_KEY_ISSUER_ID: ${{ secrets.API_KEY_ISSUER_ID }}
and those are the secret I set:
I'm not sure if any of the secrets I set is wrong but I'm pretty sure they should be correct
probably it's because it didn't get the env:
Error: No authentication properties provided (e.g. appleId, appleApiKey, keychain)
I'm trying to do notarization in my github action, but for some reason I'm getting the following error:
my config (in the package.json)
yml action:
and those are the secret I set:
I'm not sure if any of the secrets I set is wrong but I'm pretty sure they should be correct