samuelmeuli / action-electron-builder

:electron: GitHub Action for building and releasing Electron apps
MIT License
658 stars 201 forks source link

"Operation canceled" when building Windows app on macOS #18

Closed markwitt1 closed 4 years ago

markwitt1 commented 4 years ago

Everytime I use the action, the operation gets canceled after downloading electron stuff.


Running the build script…

pushups-reminder@1.0.0 build /Users/runner/runners/2.165.2/work/pushup-reminder/pushup-reminder electron-builder --windows --linux

• electron-builder version=22.4.1 os=19.3.0 • loaded configuration file=package.json ("build" field) • packaging platform=linux arch=x64 electron=8.1.1 appOutDir=dist/linux-unpacked • downloading url= size=71 MB parts=8 • downloaded url= duration=1.906s • building target=AppImage arch=x64 file=dist/pushups-reminder-1.0.0.AppImage • packaging platform=win32 arch=x64 electron=8.1.1 appOutDir=dist/win-unpacked • downloading url= size=71 MB parts=8 • downloading url= size=1.6 MB parts=1 • downloaded url= duration=878ms • downloaded url= duration=2.994s • downloading url= size=5.6 MB parts=1 • downloaded url= duration=1.932s • downloading url= size=19 MB parts=3 • downloaded url= duration=684ms

[error]The operation was canceled.

samuelmeuli commented 4 years ago

Could you please share your GitHub Actions workflow?

You can format your logs in GitHub Issues with Markdown:

samuelmeuli commented 4 years ago

electron-builder --windows --linux

This looks wrong. Please follow these steps in the README.