samuelneff / sequelize-auto-ts

Generate Sequelize definition statements and compatible TypeScript definitions from a database schema
MIT License
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Missing Files? #10

Closed erik-r-peterson closed 8 years ago

erik-r-peterson commented 8 years ago

In linux, I'm trying to use this tool from the command line.

: npm install sequelize-auto-ts --save-dev

I'm having trouble doing that though. First, node doesn't know how to process typescript files. I'm not sure how the sample node lib\cli.ts ever works. I saw there's a cli.js file so that will run and there's a ts-node package which will allow running typescript from node. Is this meant to run in typescript or is running the already-compiled js okay too?

After getting the tool running, I get this error:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/tools/sequelize-auto-ts/lib/node.d.ts'

The node.d.ts file isn't in the package. I'm not sure what to do. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


erik-r-peterson commented 8 years ago

In case this helps here are my versions of npm and node, npm -v: 3.7.3, node -v : v5.9.1

erik-r-peterson commented 8 years ago

Dropping node.d.ts from another project into the lib directory made it generate. Perhaps it's just missing from the sequelize-auto-ts project?

erik-r-peterson commented 8 years ago

Using the version where all parameters are specified in the command line (as opposed to the interactive version), i get this similar error (after dropping node.d.ts in):

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/tools/sequelize-auto-ts/lib/lodash.d.ts'

samuelneff commented 8 years ago

Run the already compiled js and you should be fine.

The ts files are there in case you want to run it from your own application, like when used from grunt-sequelize-auto-ts.