samuelortion / BirdNET-stream

Continuous BirdNET powered soundscape analysis for bird song identification.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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one-liner installation does not work #3

Open DD4WH opened 2 years ago

DD4WH commented 2 years ago

What am I missing here ?

Sorry for this obviously simple question, but Linux is not my native language.

samuelortion commented 2 years ago

Sorry to hear that... The tool is not very mature yet, and may not work properly.

However, on thing you could try is starting to download the script first on your raspberry pi:

 curl -O

This way, you will be able to run DEBUG=1 BRANCH=dev ./; after allowing file execution:

chmod +x ./

Otherwise, using the curl command you ran, the installation file isn't saved as a file, and thus will not be available later for execution.

I am very interested in your tests on raspberry pi; I hope it will work without too much trouble... Good luck and let me know !

DD4WH commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your quick answer and your help! Yes, that worked, but it seems there is something weird with the structure of your github branches: grafik

samuelortion commented 2 years ago

Indeed, that's an embarassing typo. There should be a space between $BRANCH and --recurse-submodule.

I have pushed a modified version (I did findd this issue before, but not updated github).

You may need to wait a bit for github to update the repo.

I hope it will work better now.

I am currently running the installation script in a fresh debian vm, to check that out.

If there is any problem, do not hesitate to ask me some questions, or bug fix for the script.

samuelortion commented 2 years ago

Unfortunatly, there are still some issues. For instance, the webapp does not catch sql exceptions when there are no sql database available.

You may also need to change the nginx configuration a little in `/etc/nginx/sites-available/birdnet-stream.conf'. Generate a new ssl certificate, and more things that are not handled by the script for the moment.

DD4WH commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks a lot for your quick and helpful feedback! I am sorry, but the procedure you describe is far beyond my expertise.

samuelortion commented 2 years ago

There are a little explanations inside, but It may not be as straightforward as BirdNET-Pi installation for the moment.

ps. You should not run the installation script inside ~/BirdNET-Pi, as It will create a directory for BirdNET-stream inside the BirdNET-Pi folder, and it may do bad stuff with it.