samuong / alpaca

A local HTTP proxy for command-line tools. Supports PAC scripts and NTLM authentication.
Apache License 2.0
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Unexpected rule behavior #112

Closed streino closed 1 year ago

streino commented 1 year ago

Extract from proxy.pac loaded by Alpaca:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
  if (shExpMatch(url, "*://" + host + ":*") && (!shExpMatch(url, "*://" + host + ":443/*"))) {
    return "DIRECT";
  return "PROXY myproxy:3128";

curl going through Alpaca will give:

proxy.go:138: [1] Error dialling host dial tcp connect: connection refused
proxyfinder.go:113: [2] CONNECT // via "DIRECT"

Where I would expect:

proxyfinder.go:135: [1] CONNECT // via "PROXY myproxy:3128"

Loading the same proxy.pac from Firefox/Chrome gives me the expected behavior.

I narrowed it down to the ":443/*" part of the rule matching in Chrome but not in Alpaca.

Here's what I think is happening: Alpaca strips the URL path before attempting to match the rules. The comment explains this is to match Firefox/Chrome behavior. However there seems to be a difference between Alpaca and Chrome when handling URLs with empty paths: Go's "net/url" won't add a trailing slash for an empty path, but Chrome does.

samuong commented 1 year ago

@streino thanks for reporting this. Looking through the Alpaca code, I don't think it's right to set the Path or Rawpath to an empty string, so I'll change this to / to match Chrome and others. Do you have the ability to test this pull request to see if there are still any other issues that Alpaca has with your PAC file?

streino commented 1 year ago

I confirm it works now with release 2.0.1. No other problem detected so far. Thanks @samuong!