samuraraujo / SERIMI-RDF-Interlinking

SERIMI approach for RDF Interlinking
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erro #4

Open judeBayd opened 6 years ago

judeBayd commented 6 years ago


I installed serimi.

When i run the command line : ruby serimi.rb:

the output is : ruby serimi.rb Missing options: source, class, target Usage: serimi.rb [options]

Example of use: ruby serimi.rb -s -t http://dbpedia .org/sparql?default-graph-uri= -c http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin .de/sider/resource/sider/drugs -v, --verbose Output more information -s, --source URI (MANDATORY) Source Virtuoso sparql endpoint - URI -t, --target URI (MANDATORY) Target Virtuoso sparql endpoint - URI -c, --class URI (MANDATORY) Source class for interlink - URI -o, --output FILE Write output to FILE - Default=./output.txt -a, --append-output value Append output to FILE - A value: a or w - Default=w -f, --output-format value Output format: txt, nt. Default=txt -k, --chunk value Number of source instances processed per in teraction, a value >= 2 - Default=20 -p, --top k results Return only Top K results, a value >= 1 - D efault=0 -b, --offset value Start processing from a specific offset - D efault=0 -x, --string-threshold value String distance threshold. A value between (0,1) - Default=0.7 -y, --rds-threshold value RDS threshold. A value between (0,1) - Defa ult=max(media,mean) -u, --use-pivot value Select a pivot to reinvorce the class of in terest. A value (false or true) - Default=false -m, --sort-source value Sort resources before appling the selection phase. A value (false or true) - Default=true -l, --logfile FILE Write log to FILE -h, --help Display this screen

but when using the command line : ruby serimi.rb -s -t -c

I got the following erro:

LoadError: no such file to load -- serimi_class require at org/jruby/ require at /gs/home/tamouze/.rvm/rubies/jruby-

at serimi.rb:124 Any help please to be able to run the code. Thank you