A Hydra-based Rails Engine that extends an application, adding the ability to Create, Read, Update and Destroy (CRUD) objects (based on Hydra::Works) and providing a generator for defining object types with custom workflows, views, access controls, etc.
UI for managing groups and roles. Allow groups|users to be assigned a role.
Expected behavior
There is a start on mockups for this, but they need work. This is only a starting point. Hopefully there will be more input from the UI community on how to convey this complex set of interactions.
Descriptive summary
UI for managing groups and roles. Allow groups|users to be assigned a role.
Expected behavior
There is a start on mockups for this, but they need work. This is only a starting point. Hopefully there will be more input from the UI community on how to convey this complex set of interactions.
Mockup for Manage Roles: https://wiki.duraspace.org/x/hYaoB Mockup for Manage Groups: https://wiki.duraspace.org/x/SIaoB
Related Work
Workflow configuration effort.