samvera-deprecated / hydra

Project Hydra Stack Dependencies
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github enabled script doesn't find gems #83

Closed jcoyne closed 8 years ago

jcoyne commented 8 years ago
(Hang in there! This script takes a couple minutes to run.)
WARNING: These Hydra repositories do not have gems: projecthydra/hydra-jetty,
projecthydra/deprecated-projects, projecthydra-labs/rightsmetadata-policyfinder,
projecthydra-labs/hydradam, projecthydra-labs/hydra-admin-collections,
projecthydra-labs/, projecthydra-labs/engine_factory,
projecthydra-labs/sufia-vagrant, projecthydra-labs/reqflow, projecthydra-labs/open_annotation_models, 
projecthydra-labs/docs-working-group, projecthydra-labs/rdf-proxy_list,
projecthydra-labs/power-steering, projecthydra-labs/active-encode, projecthydra-labs/curation_concerns,
 projecthydra-labs/sufia-core, projecthydra-labs/hydra_controlled_vocabularies, projecthydra-labs/pcdm-geo-models, projecthydra-deprecated/anti-harassment_policy, projecthydra-deprecated/hydra-fixtures, projecthydra-deprecated/hydra-plugin_test_host, projecthydra-deprecated/hydra-workflow, projecthydra-deprecated/hydrangea, projecthydra-deprecated/hydrangea_articles, projecthydra-deprecated/hydrangea_books, projecthydra-deprecated/hydrangea_datasets, projecthydra-deprecated/libxml2, projecthydra-deprecated/model_migrator, projecthydra-deprecated/white_list

The following errors were encountered:
hydra-pbcore: Adding You do not have permission to manage this gem.
hybag: Adding You do not have permission to manage this gem.
hydra-works: Adding You do not have permission to manage this gem.
fedora-migrate: Adding You do not have permission to manage this gem.
hydra-pcdm: Adding You do not have permission to manage this gem.
hydra-tutorial: Adding You do not have permission to manage this gem.

Perhaps I haven't granted my access token the correct scope. What scopes are required?

mjgiarlo commented 8 years ago

No, that's the output I'd expect to see, @jcoyne

atz commented 8 years ago

Can you clarify "do not have gems"? Do you mean, they do not have a gemspec?

jcoyne commented 8 years ago

No problems here I guess.

mjgiarlo commented 8 years ago

@atz There may be a gemspec, but there is no released gem at for the repo.

mjgiarlo commented 8 years ago

If the warning is more confusing than helpful, though I'd be happy to remove it. I am thinking I should also clarify in a comment what scopes you need to enable in your GitHub personal access token for this to work.