samvera-labs / nurax-pg

This is a Hyrax application configured to use Postgres for metadata storage instead of ActiveFedora.
Apache License 2.0
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non-wings adapter cannot edit collections and works #24

Open elrayle opened 2 years ago

elrayle commented 2 years ago

Descriptive summary

When using the postgres adapter in nurax-pg, works and collections get the same Valkyrie::Persistence::ObjectNotFoundError when you try to edit an existing work or collection. This is caused by the alternate_ids not getting set when the work/collection is created. The edit process expects to be able to read the work/collection back in by searching for postgres for an alternate identifier equal to the id.


Editing should work for wings adapter and non-wings adapters.

Expected behavior

Dashboard -> Works -> edit work -> should display the work edit form

Actual behavior

Dashboard -> Works -> edit work -> raises Valkyrie::Persistence::ObjectNotFoundError in the query_service #find_by_alternate_identifier method.


Steps to reproduce the behavior

Prereq: Create a valkyrie resource type work. On nurax-pg, all work types are valkyrie resource work types.

  1. Login to nurax-pg
  2. Dashboard -> Works
  3. Click the action menu beside an existing work
  4. Select Edit Work
  5. Modify the title
  6. Save

Related work

Issue #5135 - Val MVP: Edit works as a valkyrie resource through UI

elrayle commented 2 years ago

This happens because noids are enabled (in hyrax initializer), but noids are not being saved in the alternate_ids. A temporary fix is to disable noids. You should be able to edit works again.

I'm leaving this issue open to track remaining work.

Remaining work

See for more information on the error related to noids not being populated in the alternate_ids.

Once fixed, enable noids and retest.

jlhardes commented 2 years ago

Testing this on nurax-pg now shows that the steps work and there are no errors but I don't know if custom ID generation is supported yet or not (enable noids).